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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. NWDiver

    If I knew then what I know now...

    Hahaha! Well, it would have removed any flatworms that you might have had on the rocks :-)
  2. NWDiver

    Vehical Curse rant!!

    I too have had my share of vehicle trouble, but I'm a beginer compared to you Mike!! It has to get better... Right? Sending ya good thoughts.
  3. NWDiver

    If I knew then what I know now...

    Something our resident worm expert said yesterday struck a chord with me. She commended a person for sharing a mistake so that others can learn. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "do this/don't do that" list that folks can refer to as they gain experience? I (now) know that most all of the...
  4. NWDiver

    Distressed Gobies

    Hi Natlmar, and welcome. +1 to Sid's comments and a question: When and with what did you last calibrate your refractometer? I recently helped a friend who had a disaster due to a refract going way out of cal. It might be well worth checking or have it checked at a LFS. -Todd
  5. NWDiver

    Todd's 125g Build ( Part 1 = Cherry Stand )

    Hahahaha Ya kill me Mike!! Geeeze Todd, you are gonna shame me into building my next stand.
  6. NWDiver

    New Barrier Reef T-shirts and Polos now available!

    Oh yeah Scoot! that would be great.
  7. NWDiver

    Herefishyfishy's 180g, one more time

    It looks fantastic Mike! I guess it is time for another trip south to make a personal inspection!
  8. NWDiver

    The Class Act Aquarium Stand

    Awesome work Alex!
  9. NWDiver

    %$^#&# Clove Polyps

    I found a quick way to clean them off a rock that has no other coral. My puffer loves them! He also eats the heck out of xenia! I think I will continue with the zapper plan and see how it goes.
  10. NWDiver

    Summer Plans.

    Thanks for the reminder. I did talk to the folks at Shannon point marine center in Anacortes. They can do a show and tell. Neat place, but very focused on research. They use direct feed water, so no water treatment info to be learned. We will have to check when the time is close to se ehow many...
  11. NWDiver

    New Barrier Reef T-shirts and Polos now available!

    On top of advertising for a store that I really like, It's a great conversation starter.
  12. NWDiver

    March get together

    So Let me know which weekend works best for you as you post. Cannoning sounds more fun than hiking... It looked to me like March was open on the thread. Official? I dunno, who makes it so? :-)
  13. NWDiver

    Xenia melted

    They are really cool, but they can grow like weeds!
  14. NWDiver

    Xenia melted

    Sorry to hear that! Is the setosa recovering?
  15. NWDiver

    Xenia melted

    They sometimes do that even in a very well established tank in which they have grown for years. I've never read a reasonable explanation as to the cause.
  16. NWDiver

    March get together

    Thinking about doing a little fragging. DJ and I did a little shopping last night, the new frag saw should arrive in a week or so. If folks have corals to share and would be interested in making a mess let me know. Everyone is welcome to come up and play, make frags, swap frags, chat, whatever...
  17. NWDiver

    What do you guys think?

    Hahaha! His name is Colin :-) I'll try to get the pump out to his house as well. Where are the pictures???
  18. NWDiver

    North Sound Reefers Are Very Cool!

    Yep, we started with big heads...
  19. NWDiver

    new frag tank build

    Cool! keep the pictures coming!
  20. NWDiver

    Poll: Who has been injured by their tank?

    Cleaning the center brace usually gets me a mild MH burn, you would think I would learn... Playing with live rock has earned me way too many pokes from bristle worms, never on my hands, always above the wrist. I have avoided getting shocked so far, though not for being smart. I had a 6 bulb T5...