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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. fatboyt123

    So.......I'm new here....

    thats wierd. I got my sailfin and blue tang (regal, hippo whatever) at the same time and they both might have been and 1". Now my sailfin is maybe 4-5" but my blue is still around 2-2 1/2".
  2. fatboyt123

    my new tank!!!

    Mines 72" so I have plenty of room:lol:
  3. fatboyt123

    my new tank!!!

    Only 10-12 that thing looks way bigger.
  4. fatboyt123

    cleaning algae off of tank

    thats what i use. Gota love glass:D
  5. fatboyt123

    my new tank!!!

    Told ya:) .
  6. fatboyt123

    New Addition

    I told here that too and she said she didnt really look at it, just noticed that it was the biggest one there.
  7. fatboyt123

    New Addition

    thanks that is the one i got up at BRA during there sale that my mom found for $20
  8. fatboyt123

    New Addition

    These clowns need something else to host Big momma was cleaning up
  9. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?

    While you can look at it 2 ways 1. You over drive the bulbs giving you more par which in turn could alow you not to use as many bulbs but it almost cuts the bulbs life in half. 2. You have to use more bulbs but it saves you money every year when you only have to replace you bulbs once rather...
  10. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?

    I didnt look at the link spllbnd2 showed but thats a nice fixture with 2 more bulbs then the retro i showed and its not really that much more. I dont know if that one came with bulbs though. Like i said i am running the 4 bulb version over my 55 and it does great with sps.
  11. fatboyt123

    my new tank!!!

    :eek: I want I want:lol: It might be time to upgrade again with that thing your running out of room for zoo's:lol:
  12. fatboyt123

    my new tank!!!

    looks like a beauty.
  13. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?

    You could also make your own retro. by the ballast on here in the sale forums or some where else (RC). Usually sale new 660 for $75 if your lucky. Then buy the sockets and standofsf which you can sometimes find in the sale forums, then all you need is to order new bulbs. Dont know how much you...
  14. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?!_Bulbs_by_IceCap
  15. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?'
  16. fatboyt123

    Which light should I get?

    This probably the best idea right here.
  17. fatboyt123

    Skimmer keeps on over flowing.....plz help

    Does anybody else know that this is from 3 years ago?
  18. fatboyt123

    i have a small crack inside my tank

    I guess you should only be worried if you dont want water all over your floor.
  19. fatboyt123

    Lets see those chalice's

    Nevermind not even close to the Pink ****ies
  20. fatboyt123

    New Addition
