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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Ichthys

    Barrier Reef BBQ Sale 2013

    so enough suspense, whats the game gonna be for the Gift Cert? Mario Cart again? Wii Bowling? Call of Duty 3?
  2. Ichthys


    Qui9ck question, am sure it is here somewhere but cant find it... So over the years I have commented on numerous threads, and now everytime someone comments on a thread i have commented on I get an email. How do I EASILY and efficiently trim this down so i am not getting 136 emails a day from...
  3. Ichthys

    kpiotrowski's 300DD

    My favorite part of this build is its simplicity, .....
  4. Ichthys

    Raising the titanic, a 4x4 Coldwater tidal pool build

    I just thought about it, the above probably wasnt an appropriate place for that, right in the middle of your tank build thread, sorry bout that... my whoops
  5. Ichthys

    Raising the titanic, a 4x4 Coldwater tidal pool build

    You live at Point no Point? wow, me and the wife were just there yesterday, i wish i had known.. we spent several wonderful hours walking along the beach at the lighthouse and had lunch and this cute little hole in the wall place in Hansville. Looked at a house that was for sale on the water...
  6. Ichthys

    A whole new dimension!!!

    We are truly sad to see you go but wish you much luck and success with your other endeavors. You always had beautiful tanks, and I enjoyed the pics of your systems. Will look forward to the eventual return of returnofsid.
  7. Ichthys

    LEDs for my 90

    looks awesome, I admire people that do the DIY approach. Still not confident of my soldering and metalworking skills to attempt this so i went the more expensive route and bout the Evergrows at BR, but I really like the flexability you get with your Rapidled kit. Very nice.
  8. Ichthys

    Ichthys 150 Reef Build

    Thanks Dave, have you ever see Lorrie's clams in her big DT? Magnificent. Will do eric, I just addes some great frags from Ipisces, give them a few days to open up and will post a pic Thanks! My wife and I really enjoyed your incredible tanks. Your big DT is just beautiful. Thanks for the...
  9. Ichthys

    Ichthys 150 Reef Build

    and a few more
  10. Ichthys

    Ichthys 150 Reef Build

    Some recent pics
  11. Ichthys

    Oceans by Design Summer BBQ

    Looking forward to the BBQ. Should be a nice time.
  12. Ichthys

    Oceans by Design Summer BBQ

    one would think the Acrylic Whisperer could build an acrylic dunk tank out of old protein skimmers and a roll of duct tape...
  13. Ichthys

    ARGH disaster!

    gryph, sorry to hear about your issues, I have used Chemi Clean before on Cyano with good results, but best long tern is to not get the stuff in the first place which means good flow, and managing your bioload well which is hard in a 10 gallon, overfeeding even a little in a 10 gallon has a much...
  14. Ichthys

    Attack site?

    wow, ok I did a full system scan and have decided to pull my pc offline and QT it and treat it with a hypersalinity dip followed with copper for 4 weeks. Will see you all back on RF when i get my PC debugged
  15. Ichthys

    Attack site?

    Wow! I just logged into Reeffrontiers and it embedded a low level subroutine which infected my Reefkeeper, dumped all my kalkwasser in the tank, then drained the tank and refused to do a water change... seriously though, it would be nice if the mods could weigh in on this, over 24 hours on a...
  16. Ichthys

    Google Chrome

    Can someone please verify that the site does not have a virus or something, I cant even get on RF without my virus protection going crazy
  17. Ichthys

    Google Chrome

    my Avast antivirus just blocked reeffrontiers gave me same error about the codehosting url.
  18. Ichthys

    Peppie's 180 Reef-Room

    wow Dave, the project keeps growing lol. I get inspiration from your constantly evolving project, makes me feel better about how I am always tinkering and tweaking mine. Oh by the way, I found the USB adapter thingy that goes with the Reefkeeper lite, you use it to hook the Reefkeeper up to a...
  19. Ichthys

    Reef Breeders Photon LEDs

    Cool, that means for those of us who bought the lights at the higher prices in the past few months we have a refund check in the mail lol?