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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Ed Hahn

    How that club doing?

    I am still watching here. I have been working a lot and coaching soccer. I am still here. I would like to invite some people down that sell corals to tri-cities for barbeque. I have room for a few that want to visit. I have coral of course. But my capacity is smaller. I want to be...
  2. Ed Hahn

    How that club doing?

    I have corals. Its doing Ok. :)
  3. Ed Hahn

    Acro flaking why?

    Maybe cross contamination- a coral slime from another coral transfered by you or someone else's hands? A very common thing when people are transfering corals we get too excited to not rinse our hands between touching corals.
  4. Ed Hahn

    RO/DI expectations

    Is there a diagram of which color hose goes to where? I thought black was waste water, I thought blue was output, I thought yellow was input from faucet. Each maker is different.
  5. Ed Hahn

    RO/DI expectations

    Another guess would be flushing each filter idividually. You take the lines off of sediment filter flush, Carbon filters or filter flush. See if this brings up pressure? Goal is to be around 60psi on gauge as you have heard. If you do have a used RO/DI filter. I would remove the sediment...
  6. Ed Hahn

    Dosing peroxide? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

    I saw it on RC. I am not sure of which thread. I sent you a Pm. :)
  7. Ed Hahn

    Dosing peroxide? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

    Hey Boomer, I hope you had a awesome Birthday! I wanted to ask you about peroxide in our reef tanks. I glanced over a few articles. What are the benefits of dosing peroxide? I would think it would raise orp? I would assume it would have a effect on ph? As always thanks for...
  8. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    Here is a heads up. I found a few Medical grade dosing pumps on Ebay. They were averaging $59 each. Not sure if they fell off the truck, but if they do I hope they survive and end up in someones reef tank . Paying it forward!!
  9. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    Don, I am looking at the same pump, The Sentry. thanks to both of you! :)
  10. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    I want to run the Deltec Calcium reactor with as much ease and reliabilty as possible. I purchased a aqua lifter pump under the recommendation of a friend. I do plan on showing my tank. I am looking for a reliable perastalic pump that can run 24/7 365 days a year.
  11. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    Don, The peristalic pumps I have seen can not run 24/7.
  12. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    yep, I have cleaned Oring several times.
  13. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    I wonder if I could use a Aqua lifter pump the same way?
  14. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    Ok, I got a reply. I was told to use a aqua lifter pump. thanks.
  15. Ed Hahn

    Any use a Doser to run effluent on a Calcium Reactor?

    I recently purchased a Deltec PF 601 calcium reactor. I tried to use a powerhead to push water through it and I learned my Deltec reactor can not be presurrised. It would leak each time. Do any of you use dosers to add effluent and if you do which type? thanks in advance, Ed :)
  16. Ed Hahn

    Summer is here, lets talk heat control

    I use to run my lights at night. This will work if your temps are cooler outside at night. You have your tank close to open window or run a air exchange system at night.
  17. Ed Hahn

    Mojo Anemone Help

    One thing people often overlook is shutting down their pumps or power heads while using Kalk, zapping them, adiptasia X, etc. They shoot spores to live. If you shut down water movement you are slowing down the process of them repopulating. Good luck! Ed :)
  18. Ed Hahn

    I keep over flowing...

    I use both a manual float valve with pressure shut off and auto top off kit from I can run it directly from RO/DI or run it with a reservoir. I put all in a large sump which has no baffles. I have a SWC 300A skimmer adjusted to height of water level that floats keep stable.
  19. Ed Hahn

    I keep over flowing...

  20. Ed Hahn


    understand how your skimmer works- You want 3-5 times turn over of your total volume- more or less will effect how your skimmer performs. Flow inside tank- with powerheads, closed loops keep things suspended in water so skimmer works as designed. Stir that sand, blow off rocks with powerhead...