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  1. Ed Hahn

    Ideas of how to save money with energy efficient SPS systems..

    Canopy- closed canopy holds in heat, maybe pendents? The other side of that is trying to keep tank warm. Pendants with glass shielding may also prevent temps and extend the life of reflector. Any way you can increase air contact with warmer object. Proper spacing of bulbs so air temps...
  2. Ed Hahn

    Ideas of how to save money with energy efficient SPS systems..

    When I purchased Susies Old tank my idea was to be conservative on power. My previous tank had a Hammerhead pump and a medium sized dolphin pump with 3 metal halides. I have to admit my larger tank is more efficient. Switching to energy efficient powerheads with timers made a big...
  3. Ed Hahn

    Alternatives to Protein Skimmers

    Wow, Awesome article and write up. Thx Boomer!:)
  4. Ed Hahn

    Coming Right Along!

    Good Luck Blue Sierra with your move. I hope you have no loses or incidents in your relocation. Thanks for supporting the hobbyist!! Gods Speed!!!:)
  5. Ed Hahn

    Alternatives to Protein Skimmers

    Skimmy, I love your babes with Skimmers!!! You should have a calender with those for each Month. I would buy it! Years ago we just used good old natural bacterial acclimated by balanced nutrient export. The use of plants to regulate Carbon dioxide, with water motion, salt water mixed...
  6. Ed Hahn

    Coral Placement Based on Temperment

    small polyp stonies- polyps extend and will usually compete for territory with other SPS. Here is your acropora LPS- Polyps extend and sting at night, examples torches, hammers, chalice, lobophyllias, etc. Softies emit chemical warfare which is hard to see. Zoanthids, leathers, Palytoas...
  7. Ed Hahn

    Hey Matt, I am excited to hear you are back in the Hobby. Maybe I can drag ya to...

    Hey Matt, I am excited to hear you are back in the Hobby. Maybe I can drag ya to Seattle with me for a meeting with Guest speaker. I have lots of odds and ends at my house if you need anything? Thanks for all you have done for me in past and I welcome the chance to share hobby...
  8. Ed Hahn

    need help getting rid of hair algae!

    I would check things like making sure your RO/DI filters are in good shape. I would also check your parameters. Things like temperature swings, Calcium ratio to Magnesium ratio to make sure Alk and Calcium are not bouncing fast. One that sneaks in here often unheard of is using multiple...
  9. Ed Hahn

    175Watt Mh :(

    That ballast looks like a hamilton ballast to me. Here are my questions. Is the smoke coming from ballast or socket? If it is coming from the socket it may have some material making contact on the inside of socket or mogul. If it is coming from the bulb. I am thinking you may have...
  10. Ed Hahn

    zoa problems - solved????

    he hehe.....Barbie, you are awesome!:)
  11. Ed Hahn

    IT'S A GIRL!!!! (We knew that.....)

    Congradulations Jonas!:):):)
  12. Ed Hahn

    Coral wars...

    Hey Dang, So you think Raccoon butterfly will eat only Zoos and Palys? My last experiment with Butterflies was not so good for my clams.
  13. Ed Hahn

    New Ballasts, lighting problem

    I am wanting to look inside your moguls at the tabs to make sure there is no obstructions. Its kinda hard over here. That is what I would do. :)
  14. Ed Hahn

    New Ballasts, lighting problem

    Hello, I am listening. The Lumatek if it is digital should fire any bulb. The lumatek will not work if there is a wiring issue. That is what I am thinking.
  15. Ed Hahn

    Midcolumbia Saltwater Club Halloween Costume Contest and Party 2009 at Rod n Cindys

    The Midcolumbia Saltwater Annual Halloween Party is on October 24th this year at Rod and Cindys House. :) Get your custume now. There will be a contest for best costume. This has always been a fun event. I hope to see you there!:)
  16. Ed Hahn

    Dosing Bacteria pros and cons?

    Good so far.... Curt, I have started the experimental process. I am using Bacter 7 and Reefbiofuel. I am not sure if I spelled the listed right. You are right on the money as far as Vodka (carbon source). My water clarity has improved. My concern is that my corals will bleach...
  17. Ed Hahn

    Dosing Bacteria pros and cons?

    I have to admit I have heard talk of people dosing Brightwell Bacter 7 and Prodebo. I was wanting to hear feed back from those that have. Is there any negative side affects besides your tank possibly being too clean? I was told to shut my skimmer down a few hours after initial dose of...
  18. Ed Hahn

    Hanging a parabolic reflector

    Which reflectors are you using? another question is how long and how wide is a 40 gallon breeder? The newer high tech reflectors are averaging 20 inch spread. A 250 MH will cover 2 ft square. Most people I have talked to run their reflectors about 9 inches from water. The closer you...
  19. Ed Hahn

    Steel cages stimulate coral growth in Maldives (08/18/2009)

    I am sorry. Its a link for my work. I will copy it for you. Here ya go: OCEANS: Steel cages stimulate coral growth in Maldives (08/18/2009) A team of researchers in the Maldives has greatly accelerated coral growth through the use of electrified underwater steel cages, including, most...
  20. Ed Hahn

    Steel cages stimulate coral growth in Maldives (08/18/2009) I found this in Climatewire. I thought it was interesting and promising.