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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Ed Hahn

    ways to reduce nitrate

    temperature and ph are two most common killers... A tank one month old is still cycling. Carbon is always a good way to clean water. If I walked into your Tank and started checking. I would first start with salinity. I would check your salinity in your tank. I would make up water with...
  2. Ed Hahn

    How do you clean your filter sock?

    Ok, I am thinking I washed my filter sock with Bleach. I rinsed it several times then dried it in Sun. My question is how do you recommend cleaning your filter sock is there a safer way? Thanks in Advance for paying it forward! Ed:)
  3. Ed Hahn

    Storing Saltwater

    tagging along!
  4. Ed Hahn

    Particulates in the the tank

    Always good to see you Don, Thanks. True, Don. As most of the time you are right on the money. Always good to see you.:) I just needed a good reminder of how easy it is to make mistakes. You get taught things and you know better. I myself get by so many times without and issues...
  5. Ed Hahn

    Particulates in the the tank

    I want to clear something up. I used a very poor grade of quartz sand with who knows what inside bag. I rinsed it but not very good. The sand is as light as you can get. I should have known better. In the Future I will use a heavier grade of Aragonite. Aragonite helps with PH.
  6. Ed Hahn

    Other stuff on the glass and rocks.

    I treated for flatworms with FWE quite a few times. It was disastorious one time! Make sure you have make up water before dosing. I lost almost the total livestock on my Cube. I did not have enough make up water ready. Make sure you have make up water and carbon, remove your Calcium...
  7. Ed Hahn

    Particulates in the the tank

    I am also a RHF fan. But purchasing about 50lbs of sand in clean environment did cause a algae bloom along with plugging the pores of my aged live rock. The Sand I purchased was from Petco. I will only go with pure araganite from now on. Here is something for you to think about. I...
  8. Ed Hahn

    Particulates in the the tank

    I had to be reminded how bad pool or silicate sand was recently. Parameters such as calicum, Alk, and Mag were in check, 50 gallon water changes weekly, but some serious algae blooms. I had a good skimmer rated up to 700 gallons on a system under 300 gallons. I used a filter sock also. But...
  9. Ed Hahn


    Recommend These too guys! My thoughts are that people often overlook Salt mixes being prepared as designed. When Salt is not mixed as designed by manufactuer calcium, alk, magnesium are all unbalanced. Calcium percentage should equal one third of Magnesium percentage. For example...
  10. Ed Hahn


    I agree.. I would tend to agree with FreakinReefin. When you change lighting spectrum there usually is Die Off and a algae bloom due to change. Your Coraline algae usually comes back pretty quick if parameters are in check. I look forward to a algae bloom when I change lighting systems on a...
  11. Ed Hahn

    What happened to Barr Aquatics?

    Ditto! Good Person with good quality work!
  12. Ed Hahn

    New Era for CFI

    Good Luck!! Good Luck Jason! I am glad there are still acrylic builders out there. I wish you the best in Success! Sincerely, Ed Hahn:)
  13. Ed Hahn

    Happy Birthday NaH2O!!!

    Happy Birthday Nicki! I miss seeing that Devil outfit! lol. Sure miss your personality.. best wishes, Ed:)
  14. Ed Hahn

    Return pumps

    You ideally want 3-5 times tank size per hour. For example in a hundred gallon tank you want 300-500 gph return.
  15. Ed Hahn

    Skimmer and CO2 scrubber question

    hints that helped me years ago.. My ears perk when I see hair algae. I think of unfiltered water, all in one additives with other products in them, aquascaping, flow to keep things suspended in water column so skimmer works efficiently. I think another thing overlooked is premixing...
  16. Ed Hahn

    Happy Birthday Fragman!!

    Hey Happy Birthday to the old guy that sells frags! What is his name? Oh yeah, Paul! Don't forget your cane, you old buzzard!:lol: So very proud to have you as a friend! Someone has to cart you around when you can not find your cane!:lol: Wishing you many More years of smiles!!!:):):)...
  17. Ed Hahn

    Tri City LFS

    I ordered in some banded pipefish from Aqua Tropics. 15 dollars a piece@3=45 then discounted by Mike. Pretty good deal!
  18. Ed Hahn

    Jeff, Ordered The 300A today from Colorado. SWC people are very personable and made such a...

    Jeff, Ordered The 300A today from Colorado. SWC people are very personable and made such a purchase enjoyable. Talk to you soon. Ed
  19. Ed Hahn

    Feb 2010 Club Meeting with larger than normal raffle

    I can not part with the two seahorses that my sister in law put on Tank. So its only a pair of the blue lined pipe fish.
  20. Ed Hahn

    Feb 2010 Club Meeting with larger than normal raffle

    After further discussion this raffle will be prolonged to give more people time to prepare. I am sorry for the confusion. But this means more good stuffs like below to make it larger. ReeF Exotics donated A Julian Sprung- Solving problem Algae book. I