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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    yeah my tank has had 4 peram checks in 4 yrs ..the damage is done now but i am doing a 25 gal water change today and gonna check perams tommorow night!
  2. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    Rapid Tissue ?????????loss?Wonder what caused it ?I hope the switch to instant ocean wasnt a bad move i will be peeved!
  3. vwmoneypit

    Help me understand

    SO my tank has been doing good really good..Well this morning I woke to see a hole head on my Hammer is GONE! CLean white skelo..It had a cloudy slime on it if u look AT it right?Input please..DId a 5 gal water change other day ..BUt i let it warm and did exact salinity hmmm wierd I am lost and...
  4. vwmoneypit

    Sun Polyps ???

    wow soooo did u ever get these things?
  5. vwmoneypit

    Want feedback guy's??????????????

    yeah I hear yeah ..You know the thing about it is that it would be one thing if I was giving out a bad idea or a bad price but u know the fish world u get a 1/4 of what u paid hell thats how I started my tank! and now on to the good new or slightly used ..sheesh remember my first skimmer l.o.l.
  6. vwmoneypit

    Want feedback guy's??????????????

    NO I have not yet everyone say oh yeah i got cash next week then no hear from so untill these sell I cant get anything but will keep posted
  7. vwmoneypit

    PVC Overflow air vent?

    pic's ?I am lost on the sikmmate part?
  8. vwmoneypit


    mike had to go there didnt he l.o.l. mine do this after a large water change sometimes as well .. i think it is a fresh breath type of thing?hmm?
  9. vwmoneypit

    Metal halides

    I have two 400 watt m.h 18k and2 6ft vho's actinic and it is striking for a softie tank l.o.l. .But if u are worried about heat go with t5's the infered heat alone on m.h. will kill the room this is in!I want to go to t5's just for that purpose!
  10. vwmoneypit

    The Polario..

    Like a clickin when on and off? hmm sound seio to me
  11. vwmoneypit


  12. vwmoneypit

    Sun Polyps ???

    yeah i want some lets learn together l.o.l.
  13. vwmoneypit

    shout from the locals

    55 gal cheap pm me!
  14. vwmoneypit

    What about an LPS forum?

    Well I still think it would be kool to have a sps,lps.ect..forums to make it easier for searching for help..and it would be nice to do for the sales stuff too but only so much room!
  15. vwmoneypit

    Want feedback guy's??????????????

    Well if u guys want the meatal hilide setup I am selling them for $400 dollars today I was waiting for another guy but have not heard back in 4 days?So if u are intrested let me know thanks,will
  16. vwmoneypit

    moving livestock from a 90g to a 29g temporarily?

    :lol:This is too funy but sooooooooo true lmao....:lol:
  17. vwmoneypit

    Want feedback guy's??????????????

    No NO glad to see others learning here ..I have seen many people get burned on the ebay bit..As far as lighting goes..!st ul listed...2nd find a comp that warranty is provided.Paypal will not allways refund u!3rd U get what u pay for in aquarium lighting..I have seen the horror of the E BAAAAYY...
  18. vwmoneypit

    Want feedback guy's??????????????

    Put it this wa y right now I have 400 watt x 4 on there with vho's 6ft ..l.o.l. u are not going to kook them I should have a tank full of sps not lps with this set up but with the easy lost on the sps I willl stick with the lps..But the problem Is the depth and the coverage and the par reaching...
  19. vwmoneypit

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    ohh love them all!
  20. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a fish breedery

    Well I have to say I have had mine about 3 years and they just started to do so ..They are also 5 yrs or so old!I think it is based off two things Age and tanksetup...!