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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. vwmoneypit

    Intorducing myself.....

    Well welcome and nice gsxr as well.. We are all here to help u along the way..U are in good hands over there in the westy's
  2. vwmoneypit

    what happened to keeping this up?

    what happened to keeping this up?
  3. vwmoneypit

    Looking for the best Refugium

    All ways wonder that ?Ohh those eggs hatched last night when i woke I didnt find a lick of them anywhere !
  4. vwmoneypit

    used tank w/ sand still in it

    Funny I just used 78 lbs of used sand ..My tank is 4 yrs old I used a 5x12 pan and 10 lbs at a time rinsed it till clear as a bell then dried for 48 hrs then added slowly! this is kevpo way nothing peram changed !!!!!!!!!hope this helps good luck !
  5. vwmoneypit

    Looking for the best Refugium

    I have to agree I have proven this true we took a tank that was new I put grass and seasoned rock in the bottom and by the third day there was some in the tank!
  6. vwmoneypit

    Looking for the best Refugium

    That salty fish guy is right on the lines when it comes to feeding but for filtration it is best to make your own and to set it up like u want it .. Is it possible to make a stand that the 5o will fit under then all u need is sillycone and some cut to size pieces of plexi for the baffles and...
  7. vwmoneypit

    bak pak micro bubbles ?

    What else works guys as i came up with a u shaped 1/8 thick plexi and hung it so the micro bubbles had to travel down 16 inches to make it out cut them out completly customer was happy !
  8. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a frag rack!Q?A!

  9. vwmoneypit

    shout from the locals

    thats what i said !this is why i started this a way for us all to meet ,since the meetings are allways shoty as far as who can now we can look this up and pm peeps..DO u have any pics? ANd to all I am looking for a used overflow that can handle 1000 +
  10. vwmoneypit

    My house is kind of getting bigger.

    Just think your great grand kids wont believe u..This house is worth 10x to me what the junk is built with me I sell house packages all day long..junk!
  11. vwmoneypit

    Returns/Closed Loop Flow

    on theReturn side yes!On the pressure side I put them at both ends..Just if there was a power loss and I needed to take that water out safely!
  12. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a frag rack!Q?A!

    i got a set ov vho's 2 ft duals and a 4 ft flourecent for now will see what happens!setting up lighting today!
  13. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a frag rack!Q?A!

    If u see in the pic I have the flo to the grass from the chiller and the hoter water from tank is below the frag rack for more of an even flow and cycle rate!
  14. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a frag rack!Q?A!

    This is where i moved all the grass too
  15. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a frag rack!Q?A!

    So I am now a half disabled worker at this point so I have been givin allot of fre time to soak in my pain..l.o.l.SO i am doing something usefull with it.Figured noone this part of town sells lps frag so here we go! I am looking as to what peeps are doing for lighting ?What has worked best for...
  16. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a fish breedery

    wow that vids say a hole lot of things w/o having to say nothing
  17. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a fish breedery

    I would say just use a air stone watch it put it near the fry so the current upflo is near it..get creative.
  18. vwmoneypit

    Semi disaster in my tank

    yep i set up a tank for a friend 110 and the heater went straight to 91 in three days time..He says he was busy didnt see it ..we lost everything ..SO yes do what i did from the begining .GET A CONTROLLER..remember all a heater is ,is a dead short of electricity to a wound wire.been around as...
  19. vwmoneypit

    Setting up a fish breedery

    So from I see the eggs to when do u swap them into the other tank ?And how long till hatch.What lighting needed..ect..TEACH ME !