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  1. vwmoneypit

    Some Rust In Tank...

    the amount of res from the clamps in that size of tank couldnt hurt it i have seen people with allot worse for years ...As far as clamps go are u trying to clamp hose onto a smooth pipe ?
  2. vwmoneypit

    Wow Now The 125 Is In Place And Running

    thanks krish, It has been a learning curve for shure. It takes alot of power to move 125 gallons.I started with the seio's and the mag 75 return...not cutting it so mag 95 to return well moves it all the way accross that worked with mods to the over flo...then the seio's... well i move ,moved...
  3. vwmoneypit

    Wow Now The 125 Is In Place And Running

    thank you yep just up for 1 month or so from a 55
  4. vwmoneypit

    Wow Now The 125 Is In Place And Running

    new video of the tankas of 2008 sorry kids could shut there yaps l.o.l.
  5. vwmoneypit

    Show me your carpet!

    looks like cookie monster might be coming for u next !!!!!unless u keep the tank thing up l.o.l.ohh and give him a cookie !
  6. vwmoneypit

    Here is proof that I actually have a reef tank

    needs a carpet and a 30 gal refuge l.o.l.
  7. vwmoneypit

    spokane and surrounding unite !

    any one have any questions around spokane or some frag swapping available want to get my trade on b4 back to the grinding stone :( just graduated getting my c.d.l. yeah now the money!MAybe
  8. vwmoneypit

    Show me your carpet!

    ask and they shal recieve pic of eleacarpetia
  9. vwmoneypit

    green water

    hey guy's I guess after looking at the wording I was making it sound like it was a forever thing not what i meant !SO I hear some say they are a bad thing (u.v.)why? allways looking to learn fill me in please thanks .well hope to see some pics when u return to the clear!
  10. vwmoneypit

    green water

    u guessed it! w/o a uv sterilizer it wont go away. i have seen little ones and over sized ones on tanks around 55 i have used my life guard ql 25 for 2 yrs nothing green but the other 110 "friends tank "greened in 4 months w/o one ....proof enuff for me !just allaround good to have anyways...
  11. vwmoneypit

    first tank, very confused

    remember one thing take all this and go with what works best for u .we all have difff ways to make this work...And never be afraid to ask questions u have a lfs that u trust for info with many years of exp?that helps as well
  12. vwmoneypit

    Show off i guess

    yep thats it minus the squid
  13. vwmoneypit

    Show off i guess

    that was were i kept the imp stuff when i transferred it all then deleted it when got more mula to finish the 55 under its now were the laundry basket is l.o.l. well back to finishing the cl system been working on ...i will do more pics later
  14. vwmoneypit

    My 240

    found some adding more flow l.o.l.
  15. vwmoneypit

    Show off i guess

    this was the 55 set up little diff huh