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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. steven11

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Sorry to hear. If you find some room, I will cut you another piece
  2. steven11

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Lookin good Thang! Years ago you bought a piece of blue milli from me, do you still have it? I got the original piece back but hasn't grown a whole bunch due to less than ideal conditions in multiple tanks. It is starting to take off now. I would love to see it grown out if you do. Sent from...
  3. steven11

    LF Someone to lend (or sell) me the SID from a Reefkeeper Lite.

    You can borrow mine. I'm in Auburn. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  4. steven11

    How did this baby fish get into my display?

    Very cool idea on the pen. Good luck with the babies. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  5. steven11

    Let's see how much water we go through by 2012

    Since this thread has started, I have topped off 4 times at 5 gallons a piece and one 65 gallon water change. 2363+85=2448 Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  6. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    It's all going to depend on how much rock you are going to put on there. I always like to YouTube videos of tanks to see what others have done. There are a few cool videos of octopus tanks.
  7. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    Hopefuly Thrawn doesn't get discouraged before there is even water in his tank.
  8. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    You were discredited as soon as you assumed what I have or haven't kept and my success. Thrawn, again I am sorry for the derailment. I wish you luck if you chose to try an octopus. They are fun creatures especially when it comes to feeding time. One thing I have learned in this hobby is that...
  9. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    Where the hell have I given wrong info or even my opinion on keeping an octopus? Reread the thread, not his first tank. And who the hell are you to say that he is almost certainly going to fail? Water params are much more simple to keep an octopus than a reef. Octos aren't as fragile as you are...
  10. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    There is no way to prepare for an octopus tank. You either are or aren't going to make mistakes. You can't tell me that keeping some corals and clown fish is going to prepare anyone to keep one. Same with some one committing the time. He will be more inclined to put in the effort to keep what he...
  11. steven11

    Steven's perfect nightmare

    They are in there clown. It looks so much better now. Heat is going to be an issue. I'll have to build something to deal with that this weekend. Dang - not dosing anything special other than a bunch of lion and grouper poo.
  12. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    Build some type of clamping rim. 90 gallon display I would think be a little big. If you put a bunch of rock in there, you'll never see him and they don't need swim room.
  13. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    I really dislike the term "mature" tank. Most of the time this means a dirty/loaded tank. The tank should not be set up as a reef first. It needs to be purpose built for an octopus. A reef has too much rock, flow and lighting for an octopus set up. It will require a lot of maintenance. You will...
  14. steven11

    Post your best lies!

    Maybe two. Givin most to friends and or trade...
  15. steven11

    Post your best lies!

    Mine was, I'll set up a frag system and it will pay for the 250 gallon system, no money outta pocket....
  16. steven11

    Need help LED unit

    Yeah, I have already talked to them and they can send me the whole board but the shipping on it is $65 from China. I was hoping to source the part for cheaper. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  17. steven11

    Need help LED unit

    I have a first gen Maxspect LED unit. The transformer went out in the power brick and I am having a hell of a time sourcing a replacement. It is a 450mA 100v transformer. Any help on this would be awesome. Here is a picture. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  18. steven11

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    I will second that. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  19. steven11

    Incentive to attend Blue Sierra SALE!!!

    I tried it and it didn't go through? Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk