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  1. ziggy

    bryopsis help please.

    Don, Will you elaborate on the RO scaling. Thank you, Chad
  2. ziggy

    becket injector question

    Any pics to show
  3. ziggy

    PSAS Event - SWAPMEET - August 23rd 2008

    Bring your skateboard to tow it to the bus stop just in case. 10 bucks, it will be gone
  4. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    hip hip horrah for danno!
  5. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    No, But I can imagine her running:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  6. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Some interesting reading on AC drives and variable speed drives. Wave maker technology.
  7. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Your "NO" Pam Anderson...............
  8. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    My first inclination was ground also. Salt creep is not a factor because the electronics are 5 feet away. Ill check it out. If I dont write again Im on the floor dead or in convulsions.
  9. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Its not the third thursday of the month yet.
  10. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Well calling all cars............ I just got zapped when I put my hand in the sump while kneeling on a wet towel:shock: I was luck and found the source with the first plug I pulled. However it happens to be my chiller. I am firmiliar with electricity but not when it is in reference to: freon...
  11. ziggy

    PSAS Mentor -- New PSAS Program

    Pills and licorice, that's how the scandinavians do it. If you pass out Ill put you in the van and then wheelbarrow you to our guest room.:eek: No thanx necessary, what are friends for!
  12. ziggy

    BobinCovington's new system "makeover"with sump stand, elos tank and...

    Just saw Dons link, that set up is beautiful. Definitely a tank you want to measure twice and cut once in all aspects of the build. Nice job Bob Chad
  13. ziggy

    Dripping 2 Part

    I second Snowboarda42. Alot of people try medical I.V. drip bags which clog terribly. You also have to consider your top off water consumption. If your diluting it past the point of your needed top off amount you will affect your salinity or you wont be able to get all of the 2 part you need...
  14. ziggy

    lighting on A 55gal tank

    Best and cheapest dont go together:lol: A man once told me You can never have all three: Cheap,Fast,Quality If you want it Fast & Quality, it wont be Cheap If you want Quality & Cheap, it wont be Fast If you want it Cheap & Fast, it wont be Quality Save up and get Quality, it will save you...
  15. ziggy

    HELP !!!! GBTA issues it looks like its inside out

    Is it really just pooping?,,,,,, Nelson must have moved to a place that does not have internet service:( Or he moved to Bellevue and is too good for us now:lol:
  16. ziggy

    RO topoff

    I use a resevoir for RO/DI because it allows me to have 55 gallons on hand for water changes, rinsing carbon, food and test vials and the occasional glass of ice water for me. I also bleed off a couple gallons when filling to avoid TDS creep. My whole barrel is at 0 TDS. There is a ball valve...
  17. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    I ship them in, not run them around. and why werent you shlepping some hagis and licorice.......
  18. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    I still luv ya too
  19. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Perfect!!! have your wife drop you off at the meeting, she can go pick them up, then have her take them out to lunch to stall, then she can pick you up after the meeting. Have her tell your parents your on a walk for breast cancer or the children of the inner city:idea::idea::idea:
  20. ziggy

    Ca, Alk, Mg tests...What chemicals are in them

    Mommy and daddy wont let you come out and play. If their quiet and here for weeks than you need a break. come on you hermit:shock: