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  1. blk822822

    FS: 20gl. tall frag tank and equip.

    Price drop to $125.......
  2. blk822822

    Hello. I'm Jordan.

    Welcome to the addiction....LOL Have fun with it.
  3. blk822822

    FS: 20gl. tall frag tank and equip.

    Yea it's still avalable.
  4. blk822822

    404 errors

    Clear your cookies......then It will work. That's what I had to do.
  5. blk822822

    A shocking story!

    I had a tank with a short. Iwould be in sock feet on cement in the basement and one day I put my hand in the tank and got a light shock under my finger nails. After two days I figured I have better figure this out. I would stick my hand in and say ouch, unplug a piece of equipment and try again...
  6. blk822822

    WTB Berghia Nudibranch

    Check OBD, they should have some.
  7. blk822822

    FS: 20gl. tall frag tank and equip.

    Ok no bites...How about $150 or offers on the equipment?
  8. blk822822

    Ideas for keeping BTA out of overflow?

    YEA you should just get a bigger tank....that's what I keep telling my wife. It doesn't work though.
  9. blk822822

    600g FOWLR Build

    HOLEY SH.....That's a nice build. I think I need to start playing the lottery again. Super job. I can't wait to see it full of rock and fish.
  10. blk822822

    Ideas for keeping BTA out of overflow?

    I put mine in a small cave once and placed a piece of rock in front of the cave with an opening big enough for the nem to get out if it wanted to. It then footed to the underside of the cave and then extended it's body out of the hole and was happy there till I took the tank down. But They are...
  11. blk822822

    Some coral frags FS

    First is a small Hydnophora $5 Don't remember the name of this one, it's about an inch across and much nicer color in person. $15 18+ polyps $25 There mad because I moved them just befor the pic. Wammin watermelons 5 polyps $15 At lest 20 polyp Radio active dragon eyes $20 Also...
  12. blk822822

    FS: 20gl. tall frag tank and equip.

    I set up this little frag tank and just don't have enough frags to justify running it all the time. So I'm going to sell it as a frag tank, but could be used as a small reef or fish tank. 20 gall tall glass tank, only a couple years old. Hang on back refuge ,with live sand and macros with a maxi...
  13. blk822822

    Phoenix 14k MH bulbs

    I have run the phoenix 14k bulb befor and it was pretty blue for a 14k. Is there a bluer bulb? I don't want to run actinic suppliments on my frag tank. The bulb on it now is a JBJ 14K bulb and probably in need of changing, but I want the bluest bulb I can get. I know the Phoenix Hexarc blues are...
  14. blk822822

    Bubbles, everywhere.........

    My return pump can pull air from a pretty high surface and blow it into the tank. I put a piece of open cell foam over the pump inlet ,just floating and it helps when the sump gets low from Evap. so it doesn't pull air. If I'm pulling air on the return then the sump needs water added.
  15. blk822822

    Bubbles, everywhere.........

    Are you getting bubbles coming from the sand bed? Just a thought, theres chemical stuff going on in there. But probably a leak some where. Turn off your tank and let it sit for an hour or so, then take a turkey baster and blow the bubbles off everything and wait alittle bit and see if you get...
  16. blk822822

    Going to build a grow out tank

    I know the frag wracks are missing. I got some new egg crate to make them tonight.
  17. blk822822

    Going to build a grow out tank

    Ok tank is up and running.......Here's what I got going on. 20 gal. tall tank, prism hang on back(or side) skimmer with the media basket and surface skimmer cup, Marine land Heater, A hang on back Refugiumg with just alittle rubble and oolite sugar size deep sand bed, and a viper 150watt MH...
  18. blk822822

    Need a little push ...

    This is what I would do , after I got bryopsis and hair algae for rock I got.
  19. blk822822

    Cloudy Water!

    Are you running a bio pellet reactor????
  20. blk822822

    Bill's 100gal Build

    Well just an update on my tank I took some cell phone pics. URL=][/URL Bad pics but my camera got stolen from my house and I'm waiting to get it back from the police.