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  1. blk822822

    Need some help Is this a Scam???

    The smells probly your skimmer over
  2. blk822822

    Need some help Is this a Scam???

    I got the same e mail wanting my small tanks i posted.
  3. blk822822

    New to sw

    Yea this IS the COOL kids forum or club.....tell your freinds.
  4. blk822822

    Squeeg's 55g soon to be reef + 20g

    Was it the fish in the larger tank that died????? Or the small tank?
  5. blk822822

    Squeeg's 55g soon to be reef + 20g

    Just sell both tanks and get a 90 gal. ALL GOOD.
  6. blk822822

    Squeeg's 55g soon to be reef + 20g

    Yea arn't boxfish toxic if they die?
  7. blk822822

    What to use to power my LED's

    I got meanwell led drivers and put two fans on the heat sink and now it runs at 80 degrees in a house at 70 degrees. Problemsolved.
  8. blk822822

    what is the coolest fish you know of or have

    I have always LOVED the marine Bettas. But I always have more aggressive fish, so mever got one. Sweet fish.
  9. blk822822

    New tank question

    You'll probly have a few stages, brown diatoms then brown algae ,and then green algae. O and don't forget the infamous Hair algae......just kidding, kinda. Clean you glas and do weekly water changes.
  10. blk822822

    Well your going to think I'm crazy

    Sweet tank Lorrie. when that grows out (or gets filled in) it's going to be awsome. Now comes the watching and growing part. And of course the many trips to buy more
  11. blk822822

    Mystery creature in my tank....

    Pretty soon you,ll have a bunch. Mine only came out at night, but now there out all the time. I think they are running out of a food source and looking harder. But my tank keeps getting cleaner and cleaner.
  12. blk822822

    whats your tank size

    100 gal reef with a 55gal sump/refugium.
  13. blk822822

    what is the coolest fish you know of or have

    I love my Black Cap Basslet, very pretty........But I have always wanted a Harliquin Tusk, all the bright colors and teeth sticking out of its mouth. O and look down fish are great I love them all.
  14. blk822822

    Good place in S. King County/N. Pierce for CuC

    Yea locally OBD and Barrier are great. Havn't been to red sea so can't coment on them.
  15. blk822822

    Good place in S. King County/N. Pierce for CuC

    I get mine from Reef2go...they are a sponsor and they have free shipping on clean up crews. They also have buy 1 get 1 free sales. Usually send extras too.
  16. blk822822

    hey quick question

    Completely agree with Lorrie on this. Corals fight each other for space and use sweeper arms to chemical warfare on each other. Then some will just over grow others, like xenia's.
  17. blk822822

    Pump recommendation

    A 1" drain probly would have a hard time keeping up with 1200GPH. And 900 GPH may be to much , but it's hard to say. Some people runn way more than 10x turn over and some way less. Others may chime in here with there thoughts also. You may find someone on here thats got a pump you could borrow...
  18. blk822822

    Pump recommendation

    Alot of people say you want 10x the tank capacity turn over, so thats 550GPH . So I would probly run the Eheim 3000, if thats what your looking to buy. I have a 100gal tank and run the Eheim 1262 900GPH and I have a single 1" drain pipe and it works good. But you also need to think about what...
  19. blk822822

    New tank question

    Yea there should have been a amonia spike and then usually you get diatoms or a brown thin film algae. Some tanks take along time to cycle. And Nana is right, there should be at least some die off of the live rock. And if you didn't want damsels I would get them out and take them back to the...
  20. blk822822

    what is the coolest coral you have

    One of my favorites is my green with purple rim Monti. Heres a pic, I love the vertical growth spikes it has going. Bad pic I've been messing with the camera to get nice pics but it isn't working to well.