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  1. blk822822

    New to sw

    You picked a great forum to get info from. Many great and freindly members here. You will get all the info you need here just ask. And remember we LOVE pics, so start a build thread of your tank and include pics. Welcome aboard.
  2. blk822822

    What the heck are these? (New life on my live rock)

    Thats cool......I love it when something grows on it's own. I have a green slimmer that I sold and a small piece must have been left on the spot where it was and it's growing again.
  3. blk822822

    What the heck are these? (New life on my live rock)

    Almost look like some kinda eggs.....Very small trout roe JK.
  4. blk822822

    300 Gallon Upgrade

    All I can say is make sure your floor can support it. Some people one here have reinforced there floors to hold larger tanks.
  5. blk822822

    Newbie from Renton

    Welcome , come on in the waters
  6. blk822822

    Dislodging a BIG rbta

    Some good Ideas to remember. I always had to remove the rock and turn the foot out in the open.
  7. blk822822

    sea hare vs Blenny for GHA

    I run a ro/di unit with fresh filters and got hair alage........Phos can cause it, bad lighting will contribute to it, sun light will really make the stuff grow, and theres also bio load, too many fish or over feeding. Or under skimming. RO/DI isn't always the problem, some people dont us them...
  8. blk822822

    sea hare vs Blenny for GHA

    I always go with mexican red leg hermits ,they LOVE hair algae and are usually pretty cheap. They did way better than my foxface or sailfin tang. I also tried a lettuce nudi and it didn't do much at all, just disappeared.
  9. blk822822

    help with loud pump

    Is all your plumbing solid or do you have some spanaflex hoses or other flexible hose from the pump? I know on cars if you don't use flex pipe in some exhaust systems there more noise and vibration. And if you go to some hardware stores they sell rubber in a roll about 6" wide and how ever...
  10. blk822822

    pygmy angel

    I can't take my rock out because of the corals or I would have caught it by now.
  11. blk822822

    pygmy angel

    Man I'm hunting a Blue velvet damsle fish now too. Whats going on with these fish going insane....but smart at the same time.
  12. blk822822

    DBM's DSA NEO 105

    Think I kinked my neck looking at the skimmer.....Looks like a winner.
  13. blk822822

    Bleaching GBTA

    The crab may have been alive in there.....and maybe did some damage internaly. I've never seen my RBTA or mini maxis ever eat a hermit, and I've watched the hermits take food out of the nems.
  14. blk822822

    Bleaching GBTA

    Have you tested your water????? How about water changes? And how much lighting do you have and what kind?
  15. blk822822

    Well your going to think I'm crazy

    Lorrie , you have so uch pateince. I would have just gone hog wild and put that rock in and let it cure in my tank. Thats why your a mod and I'm not.
  16. blk822822

    Jayson & Thi-Le's Reef

    I totally agree. I was over there yesterday getting frags and saw it for the first time....Sweet tank and great corals. I'm already to go back for more.
  17. blk822822

    Well your going to think I'm crazy

    Nice tank. Thats going to be soooooo sweet. Very happy for you and your tank mates...they'll love it.
  18. blk822822

    Anyone have a metal brake???

    Thanks I'll call them tomorrow.
  19. blk822822

    Anyone have a metal brake???

    I need to bend some 1/16" thick aluminum to make a hood. Looking for a place or someone with a metal brake that can bend 60" long aluminum.
  20. blk822822

    New get together pig roast? frag swap? something?

    Put me in there too. I think I can bring maccaroni salad. Whos bring the beer?