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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. R

    koralia powerheads

    Thank you everybody for all of your help. What are your thoughts on hooking the Koralia's to this Chauvet light controller?
  2. R

    koralia powerheads

    Thanks I will definatly look into that
  3. R

    koralia powerheads

    Do you have it hooked up to a controller and if so what kind?
  4. R

    koralia powerheads

    do you know if it'll work with a controller? Ideally I would like to attach them to one, but i don't want them to burn out.
  5. R

    koralia powerheads

    I am looking at getting a couple of the Koralia #3 powerheads for one of my tanks and I was just curious to see what everyone (especially those of you that have them) thought of the Koralia's. Do you feel that this powerhead does a great job? I'm thinking of throwing these into my frag tank in...
  6. R

    Trouble with Skimmer

    Thanks everyone for the advice, I will contact Mark.
  7. R

    Trouble with Skimmer

    I currently have a hang on Red Sea Prizm Energizer Skimmer and I'm having problems getting it to work. When I put salt water into it and hang it on the back of the tank the motor seems to be working (it's making noise) but it doesn't seem to be working properly. I've read where you need to let...
  8. R

    70 watt DIY MH

    Thanks Krish, I was also able to locate a NAIS 70 watt Ballast for a little more than the one that I showed you in the previous link. From what I hear NAIS is one of the better brands for ballasts, am I right?
  9. R

    70 watt DIY MH

    I'm not an expert when it comes to electrical things so I was wondering if the ballast at the below link would work if I decided to build my own 70 watt MH for my nano tank. If it isn't, could somebody recommend what I should be looking for? I have instructions on how to build my own MH for...
  10. R

    Wooohooo Got My Ballasts ... But one doesn't work

    Where did you end up getting these ballasts at? I'm looking at getting a 70 watt electronic ballast for my nano. Anyone know where I can get one, as most places don't carry that small of a ballast for MH?
  11. R

    HELP!!! Bonny and Clyde Strike Again

    Well I woke up this morning and my starfish died. A good portion of the rest of his limbs/body ended up basically disentigrating in the water underneath the cup. I'm wondering if PH could have played a role in this, does anybody have any previous experience with this? Currently I only have...
  12. R

    HELP!!! Bonny and Clyde Strike Again

    Well, it looks like I might not have even gone one week and I might have my first casualty. I received my small starfish, about an inch or two across, from a fellow reefer (Ed Hahn) last Sunday. I looked in my tank at the starfish today and I realized that almost one whole limb is missing and...
  13. R

    Powerhead Placement in new tank

    Well I finally got it all setup. Crazy! Anyway I feel pretty good about the placement of the aquascaping needs a lot of work though. Once I get everything up a running with some fish, I'll have to take a photo and post it up on here. Thanks for your help Krish.
  14. R

    Powerhead Placement in new tank

    Yeah it's shaped exactly like that image that you have. I have two power heads. These powerheads are able to be angled as they are one of the ball looking ones. Do you think that the way that you have it in the image would be better than have them tucked into the back corners and angled...
  15. R

    Powerhead Placement in new tank

    I am currently in the process of setting up my first salt water tank and I have a question regarding the placement of my Eheim powerheads. My tank is half of an octagon about 23 inches wide, 11 inches deep, and 18 inches tall. Also at what depth should each go and how should they face, ideally...
  16. R


    Thanks for the different lighting suggestions. Do you happen to know of an affordable place to get one of these.
  17. R


    Busted! Yeah I'm poking around in here trying to get things figured out for myself. I have to keep reminding myself not to get too out of hand to soon. I'm already itchin' to get a tank as big as yours, and I don't even have my first tank yet. I just keep telling myself to be patient because...
  18. R


    Thank you I'll have to check it out. This forum is great, I've been learning something new everyday.
  19. R


    Hi everyone. Ok I'm going to be honest I'm new to this hobby and I need a little help. What is the best equipment/strips to get to test the parameters of my tank? My tank is going to a nano tank BB 12 gallon tank with hopefully a 75 watt MH and I'm hoping to have an array of different types of...
  20. R


    What would I need for hard corals? Sorry if the questions sound dumb, I'm just trying to learn as much as I can before I get my tank. I also do realize that the tank needs to cycle through before I should put any livestock into it.