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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Re I totally understand. Han
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    Events going on in US involving the Hobby.

    Question: When will be the next "big" event being held in the Tacoma / Olympia area? I would like to attend, gaining and feeding my knowledge level that currently is: 0.00003
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    search by location

    Reefman, As I am new, I would like to put in also my 2 cents. Yes, you are right, maybe something like "North Puget Sound" and "South Puget Sound" with a deviding line say accross the map starting to go from Renton and up and call it North Puget Sound. Han
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    Tank turned 41 years old

    Dear Santa I know that the economy is tough, therefore I am looking myself to purchase a so to speek "plug and play" Tank of minimum 50 gallons, with Sump, Canopy, stand, lights etc (must be overflow) for a desent price. I just don't to empty out your wallet, there are people who need a gift...
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    Tank turned 41 years old

    Thank you Santa, Yes, I have behaved very good this year, helped a lot of people, just going through a rough time after loosing a dear PD friend.... Very thoughtfull of you to think about me and to make my dreams come true. Merry Christmas :-)
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    Finally doing it right from the begining :)

    Wow, amazing project and awesome results......... See, that's why I slam with my head against the wall each time, I am not a good "construction" guy...... Looking forward to see pics when it's all up and running
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    Tank turned 41 years old

    Paul, Congratulations, yes, seeing the results of your tank after 38 years, even made my desire for a bigger tank (with complete setup) even more then before. Job well done. Han