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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. mcdonaldjosh7

    Fantasy Football

    Alright, I made a league "Reef Frontiers takes Baseball". PM me your emails if you want in! Edit: I will be travelling a fair amount today, so it might take a few hours for me to get you in. Sorry! (no internet in the sky) Edit Edit: I made another thread just for this
  2. mcdonaldjosh7

    Fantasy Football

    Maybe, why not?
  3. mcdonaldjosh7

    ~~72 Gallon Tank Automation~~

    Alright, so being a computer science major and a tank enthusiast, I have decided to try and build my own "reef controller". I don't know if anyone is familiar with the arduino, but I think that is the microcontroller I will be using. Using this, I will write my own code to allow the tank to...
  4. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    This tank no longer houses coral, however. Coral simply requires too much maintenance given I am gone for 2-3 months at a time. FOWLR is a better way to go for now. Eventually, once I finish up college and have my own place, I will get back into the coral game!
  5. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Serpent star has been gone for years, haha. I don't think I owned him for more than a week. I don't house small clownfish anymore. While I still haven't seen the eel eat a fish, I am playing it safe and housing larger fish. Right now I am housing a huge black ocellaris clownfish. Thanks for...
  6. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Always used a 10 gallon sump with this tank. Sump houses heater/skimmer/phosphate reactor/media reactor and all that kind of stuff.
  7. mcdonaldjosh7

    Fantasy Football

    I am so down for this next year.
  8. mcdonaldjosh7

    Sasquatch! 2014

    Anyone here intending to go to Sasquatch in May/July?
  9. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Purchased a brand new skimmer and a new return pump! Excited to get this thing going right again. Will be back in Washington on Saturday, with equipment and parts arriving between Monday and Wednesday. A lot of tank work in the near future.
  10. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Alright, I left for college and the tank is still running. It has been having some issues, so I am going to work on automating the process. I am going to install an ro/di auto shut off that will fill up a 55 gallon barrel and an auto top off that will pump water from the barrel to the tank...
  11. mcdonaldjosh7

    72 Gallon Bowfront Aquarium -$1000

    Alright, here is the story: I have a 72 gallon bowfront aquarium. After leaving for college my parents tried to keep it running but it just isn't their thing, and from the sounds of it the tank is getting in worse condition. I just received news that the return pump went out, so I would like to...
  12. mcdonaldjosh7

    how often you feed your fish

    +1 for every other day.
  13. mcdonaldjosh7

    sayin hello to all

    Hello! And welcome to RF! Do you have a tank setup already?
  14. mcdonaldjosh7

    75 or 55 Gallon?

    Until the 90 is not a 180! Then you start seeing Surgeonfish that need 250 and suddenly 180 is too small...
  15. mcdonaldjosh7

    75 or 55 Gallon?

    With the 55, you will always regret the lack of depth. With the 75, you will regret nothing.
  16. mcdonaldjosh7

    New get together pig roast? frag swap? something?

    I would love to get to know some of the faces I talk to on here. I am heading down south for some tropical diving in June, but if this doesn't collide with that then I will certainly be present!
  17. mcdonaldjosh7

    New Fish

    Even when the foxface was looking awful, he started eating hair algae off a rock...I think him and I will get along just fine ;D
  18. mcdonaldjosh7

    New Fish

    I acclimated them over the course of a period and a half o.O I don't have an extra heater, but the tank water from the bucket (see I floated the bags in the bucket of pure tank water) was being replenished over the period of time the acclimation was happening once or twice to make sure the...
  19. mcdonaldjosh7

    New Fish

    So I decided to try with Liveaquaria again. I tried once before and the fish all arrived dead (I am assuming the box was shook too much; I remember there being evidence of internal bleeding) and this left me hesitant. But regardless, I decided to order a male anthias and a foxface rabbitfish. I...