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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. mcdonaldjosh7

    I built the wrong kind of system

    Should all of us who haven't had tank crashes yet knock on wood?
  2. mcdonaldjosh7

    Some help with a new idea...

    Okay, so I have a plan but no real idea on how to push forward with it... I want to setup my RO/DI maker in the basement, directly under my tank. I want that to fill a 55 gallon barrel or something similar, and I kind of wanted it to fill based on a float valve in the barrel...(yeah yeah, the...
  3. mcdonaldjosh7

    300 gallon TRUVU CUSTOM

    Wow....great build. I might hit you up for assistance with my next build, whenever I get around to it (that is if you don't mind ;D)
  4. mcdonaldjosh7

    Dream Tank giveaway?

    Yeah it has been up for pretty long. I would stick that monster in my basement...don't want to crash the floor through lol. I am down if they hold that raffle!!
  5. mcdonaldjosh7

    I adopted a sick fish and need help getting him healthy

    Make sure you constantly test the water in the QT tank. All the medications and feeding can easily throw it off whack, and that doesn't help sick fish at all.
  6. mcdonaldjosh7

    how often do you clean detritus from your sump?

    My tank has been running for 4 years now and I have maybe cleaned it out once? To be fair, there isn't much of anything accumulated in there...too much water flow.
  7. mcdonaldjosh7

    Paludariums, anyone?

    So I don't know how much everyone knows about paludariums, but I can say I have wanted to set one up forever. Anyone on this board have one perhaps? I think I live planted Amazon swamp would look so cool :D
  8. mcdonaldjosh7

    Fish don't fart. Right?

    Just when you think we are a mature forum....BOOM! Fish fart...
  9. mcdonaldjosh7

    New/Old member ready to get back in maybe

    I remember you selling off your last tank I believe. I was just getting into it then so yenno how it is. I don't think too much has changed O.o LED's are becoming more and more popular I suppose.
  10. mcdonaldjosh7


    As everyone else will say, take it slow and make sure you keep good quality water; most important part. Get the appropriate test kits and just continually test! If you document it, you should be able to watch the tank cycle as well!
  11. mcdonaldjosh7

    Reef-keeping and SCUBA diving?

    Believe me I feel you there. Here I am a Senior in High School at 18 trying to make money to support my tank and diving xD I might take you up on that offer!
  12. mcdonaldjosh7

    Reef-keeping and SCUBA diving?

    So in my latest 6 month absent period from the forum, I have been getting into SCUBA diving. Have yet to dive in the sound, but I got certified in a lake over in Idaho :D Curious though, how many people on here do we have that keep these reef tanks and SCUBA as well?
  13. mcdonaldjosh7

    Green Mandarins

    I would just establish the copepod population in your tank and purchase a regular one if I were you. Its fairly easy to do as long as your water quality is good, and most fish will eat the copepods anyway so it would be beneficial for the entire tank. Just my 2 cents.
  14. mcdonaldjosh7

    new arrivals 3/19-3/23

    Price on the Sea Hares? I could use one
  15. mcdonaldjosh7

    Help Needed...Soon

    SO decided to try out purchasing fish online for the first time. I purchased 5 fish...2 Lyretail Anthias, 2 Engineer Gobies, and one Foxface Rabbitfish. I setup a 10 gallon QT tank where I planned to QT them for a bit. I woke up on day 2, and found the foxface stuck to the filter. He wasn't...
  16. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    So I got rid of the Maroon Clownfish and the Damsel fish. Here is the last pics I have of each: Clownfish: Damsel: And now some recent pics! Radioactive Dragon Eyes: Frag of Radioactive Dragon Eyes: Magician Palys: Ocellaris Clowns:
  17. mcdonaldjosh7

    Josiah - 0; Damsel - 1

    Well, I caught him :D lost a LOT of water, but hey, works out right? Didn't even have to take all the rock out!
  18. mcdonaldjosh7

    Inventory reduction sale!

    Hey Cy, any Anthias in at the moment? thanks -Josiah
  19. mcdonaldjosh7

    Josiah - 0; Damsel - 1

    PSS: The hooks were barbless, so please don't ride my @$$ about that one :lol:
  20. mcdonaldjosh7

    Josiah - 0; Damsel - 1

    Alright, this is frustrating. Went and picked up some clowns at Barrier Reef Aquariums, and the damsel FINALLY, after a year of having him, posed an issue with the tank. He immediately started giving the clowns a hard time, so thus started the process of trying to get him out. Started with...