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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. mcdonaldjosh7

    Happy Holidays!

    Enjoying a rather nice gift certificate to Barrier Reef Aquariums ;)
  2. mcdonaldjosh7

    Arrivals 12/12 - 12/16

    Price on Kuda Sea Horses?
  3. mcdonaldjosh7

    Let's see how much water we go through by 2012

    1458 + 10 gallon water change + 5 gallons top off 1473
  4. mcdonaldjosh7

    gonna start a 55 gallon

    That lighting will be fine. More than fine, actually. For sumps and all that, the bigger the sump, the better. The only questions is where would it go? Unless the stand is unique, a 55 gallon wont fit beneath it.
  5. mcdonaldjosh7

    Mandarin Goby Died

    Well, after 6+ months of no losses of fish, my Mandarin Goby jumped to his death. There was literally one hole in the top he could have fit through, and he found it. My father found him on the top of the tank this morning dry as a block of wood. Attempted to stick him in cold water to 'revive'...
  6. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Well, after 6+ months of no losses of fish, my Mandarin Goby jumped to his death. There was literally one hole in the top he could have fit through, and he found it. My father found him on the top of the tank this morning dry as a block of wood. Attempted to stick him in cold water to 'revive'...
  7. mcdonaldjosh7

    Let's see how much water we go through by 2012

    10 Gal Water change + 8 gallons = 18 gallons for the new total
  8. mcdonaldjosh7

    2011 Christmas Wish list!

    Some of the more rare zoas! Hell yeah! ;)
  9. mcdonaldjosh7

    The NEW loaner equipment thread!

    A Phosphate reactor would be a good thing to have here...its the type of thing someone could borrow for a week, wipe out their phosphates, and bring back...I could donate that after I am done using it myself? :lol: Or livestock? I have a Sea Hare...once again, this would be after I am done...
  10. mcdonaldjosh7

    Reef Club Meetings?

    Alright, I am all into the aquarium aspect...but now how about the social aspect? What clubs are there in our area? Club meetings? Etc etc? And how open are they to a 17 year old? o.O Lets get some good recent info in this thread :D Thanks!
  11. mcdonaldjosh7

    Love of the hobby

    My parents used to keep some goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. Eventually, they all died, and I always grew up hearing the stories of my father day dreaming of getting a real fish tank. I always wanted a big tank (big in my mind was 55 gallon or so). Then, one day, when was probably 13 or 14, I...
  12. mcdonaldjosh7

    Best reef salt mix?

    Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals. All the way...haha And yeah, there are two polls on this site...I started the second one on accident xD That earned me the title of 'Dodo' from krish haha
  13. mcdonaldjosh7

    Blue Velvet Nudibranchs

    +1 on the mandarin
  14. mcdonaldjosh7

    Moving Tanks

    I am so glad I don't have a move planned...this looks like a nightmare haha
  15. mcdonaldjosh7

    Reef Frontiers Chat?

    Alright, I am on again guys! No one has been on for like an hour or two! Waiting for some people to log on and chat up fish!
  16. mcdonaldjosh7


    Hey, I am assuming you guys have O. Clownfish (false percs)? If so, how much? Thanks guys
  17. mcdonaldjosh7

    Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

    Sea Hares eat GHA....I speak from experience ;)
  18. mcdonaldjosh7

    Algae Problem

    There seems to be a lot of useful info in this thread already. I did not read through all of it, so I apologize ahead of time if I restate anything... First off, cleanup crews are virtually pointless if you can't pull out their waste...essentially, if you can't pull out the waste the produce...
  19. mcdonaldjosh7

    How Do You Acclimate Your Fish?

    I do Krish's method almost exactly, except I will spend an hour moving bits of water until I think there is almost only tank water in the bag, then I net it...I do as much as possible to prevent any other water from getting into my tank xD
  20. mcdonaldjosh7

    Weird red algae??

    +1 on the cyno again. But yeah, pictures are invaluable. Google image it if you have to...