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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. mcdonaldjosh7

    Calcium Questions...

    Alright, so even though I have a long way to go before I'll be ready for too much requiring calcium, I still want to start planning this out... So I have no idea where to go with this. First, I think I need to decide whether to dose or get a calcium reactor...given my limited funds at this...
  2. mcdonaldjosh7

    Illuminata pics

  3. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Alright... I did quite a bit of work in the last few days. More coral survived then I had originally thought. Nuke Greens are doing great along with the watermelons....a few others. The bad water quality over the past few months has been killer for most of the acans :( . 1 frag has done...
  4. mcdonaldjosh7

    Cwazy's DIY 16x16x12 Glass tank

    whoa....that might just be the cleanist DIY nano I have ever seen...
  5. mcdonaldjosh7

    First polyp in my tank

    If we are thinking of the same person, I am fairly certain I remember that haha (guy selling those anemones)
  6. mcdonaldjosh7

    Mandarin Goby

    Thats awesome. I have had mine for like three months now...he has been picking off pods this entire time
  7. mcdonaldjosh7


    Whoa...1 gallon is quite a bit. I just got the 64 oz shipped here...and I have a 72 gallon tank (85 gallon system). I am not familiar with that test kit brand....but I watched this video on it (YouTube - Marine aquarium Magnesium (Mg) Salifert test HD) and I think I get it... I will run...
  8. mcdonaldjosh7

    My 72 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Quick update... Bryopsis took over the tank...lost quite a few corals. Most corals are in fact dead or don't look good....anemone is also dead. Acan's (what little are left) look absolutely terrible, the Fungia died (It went into the anemone and never recovered....that is one that wasn't my...
  9. mcdonaldjosh7


    Ok, first releases a toxin??? I have read quite a bit about this stuff but I don't remember ANYTHING about it releasing toxin! Hopefully THAT is the reason that my corals are dying...much rather that then just straight up bad water quality... So what about testing it? Do regular...
  10. mcdonaldjosh7


    I certainly will have to wait until tomorrow because my lights are off.
  11. mcdonaldjosh7


    Alright, So I am usually fairly motivated towards my tank...but what kills that motivation is things like a breakout of bryopsis....and then the issues get worse and worse due to my lack of putting time into the tank and then my corals all start dying and yeah... I fear I will have lost...
  12. mcdonaldjosh7

    Magnesium Test Kit

    Alright, so I am looking for a magnesium test kit that can test magnesium up to 1800ppm. Can someone PM me a link to it if you know of one? I don't want to break the rules and post it on here. Thanks
  13. mcdonaldjosh7

    Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

    If this were Facebook, I would like that! :) haha
  14. mcdonaldjosh7

    New classified section?

    Sometimes, I feel simplicity is in this situation. I like the old setup better because it was much simpler...also, I don't visit the site near as much, and the For Sale forums were definitely a draw for me...and my routine would be to open the for sale forums, general forums, and any...
  15. mcdonaldjosh7

    Mandarin Goby Question

    I have read that Mandarins are most likely one of the most abused fished in the marine hobby, given their special food needs and there cheap price, combined with their astounding colors.
  16. mcdonaldjosh7

    Calcium Inhibits Coral Growth

    Alright, this never made sense until I read that post....thanks! Time to start with SPS :P Just kidding! More reading first
  17. mcdonaldjosh7

    Anything about the hobby...Answer and ask

    Alright lets just try continuing.... A: Something known as Murphy's law :lol: Q: Why is saltwater so much more interesting than freshwater???
  18. mcdonaldjosh7


    Gracias! Hope to be up there tomorrow! (thats what I meant in my last post haha)
  19. mcdonaldjosh7

    Premium Membership is here!!

    I will probably have to go with this...but I just transfered the money out of my account, so I will have ot wait until the next payment I receive