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  1. colin779

    Led help

    Maybe just start by eliminating one red and one green. My understanding of adding those colors was simply to help bring out some of those colors in coral and fill out the color spectrum since leds have a very narrow spectrum compared to other light sources. I only have 2 reds over my 90 so over...
  2. colin779

    Led help

    I'll have to keep an eye out for any color changing. Thanks for the compliment, tank went through its rough days but has been looking pretty good lately. Hopefully the leds are able to maintain the colors I now see. They were always very colorful before but they seem to have more pop now. I'm...
  3. colin779

    Led help

    Thanks! I started off with them pretty low, an have been very vigilant for any sort of bleaching or something just not looking right. So far so good. Good reminder though, probably not something everyone would think about.
  4. colin779

    My 90

    Looks good! Those are some huge Chromis, mine never seem to last more than a month or two...
  5. colin779

    Led help

    Weird, picture looks super dark on the computer i'm on right now, it's not dark at all. They are at least as bright as my 175w halides and aren't even turned up all the way on the dimmer. Way brighter than the halides if i turn the dimmer all the way up. Should be more intense too. I was very...
  6. colin779

    Led help

    Ok, finally pictures of putting everything together. I will be putting up pictures of the tank in the member showcase forum. Everything arrived Laying out and attching the LEDs Everything wired up Dimmer wiring How i mounted the drivers, there are spacers under them, they are about a...
  7. colin779

    Marineland reef capable LED lighting feedback

    I used two 175w metal halides over my 90 for the last 3 years, worked awesome and never really had heat issues. I agree you may want to just keep saving for a while. The Oceans By Design setups were really nice, but all the additional leds weren't necessary for me, 48 is more intense than the...
  8. colin779

    Marineland reef capable LED lighting feedback

    The DIY kit i purchased was 48 leds, with shipping it was $512, that included everything i needed (mine was dimmable, and i purchased the dimming kit from them so you could do it for less without those options). Yours you be a little more as you would need a 3rd heat sink and another 24 leds. Do...
  9. colin779

    Hidden Critters whats your favorite?

    I've always been partial to the Mini Brittle Stars
  10. colin779

    Marineland reef capable LED lighting feedback

    Not to sure about the Marineland lights, I haven't seen them in action or researched them to much. When i was looking for led lighting for my 90 i discovered that the plug and play fixtures were way out of my price range. If you are more the DIY type there are companies around that sell kits for...
  11. colin779

    Led help

    Will be taking my pictures tonight, I'll include a few different color settings. I finally settled on one that i like, i have no idea if its 20k or something lower, i just know i like it =) The lights are pretty intense, i backed them off a little bit (they are on 2 dimmers, I had them all at...
  12. colin779

    Let's Build a store....

    Steelers fans are almost like Red Sox fans, they just come out of the woodwork... Haha =) The shop is looking great too!!
  13. colin779

    Led help

    Finally feeling better, I think that was the worst cold I've ever had. I didn't get off the couch all weekend and still dot feel 100%. Much better though. Should have my changes completed tonight though and some pictures to follow.
  14. colin779

    Led help

    It's going to be this weekend for the pictures, I woke up this morning with a terrible cold. Strange how you can be fine when you go to sleep and wake up sick...
  15. colin779

    Led help

    Ok ok =) I decided I'm going to make my changes tomorrow while watching Thursday night football so I'll put some pics up then =)
  16. colin779

    Led help

    It's a 90 gallon tank, I went with a kit from rapid led. There's 48 leds, they are all Cree LEDs. It looks incredible in my opinion, the way it brings colors out in the coral and it almost seems like it adds more depth to the tank.
  17. colin779

    Led help

    Yea, i can take some this weekend. I'm going to make a few changes that i thought about after the fact =(
  18. colin779

    New Tank. Need Equipment Advice.

    For a skimmer i have been incredibly happy with my SWC 160 cone. I have it on my 90, probably about 105 total gallons of water in the system. That may be a little large for a 75, but i believe they also make a 120 cone.
  19. colin779

    Led help

    Finally got them up over the tank, the color is so amazing now, everything looks really vibrant and bright =)
  20. colin779

    Good heater

    I have a titanium heater in my 90. The Controller is separate, I believe it's a 250w. It was used on my buddies setup for a few years, and has been on mine for the last 5 with no problems, I'll check on the brand.