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  1. colin779

    Not sure what if anything these would be worth

    I was considering getting rid of my two half inch seaswirls, I don't like he extra plumbing I have currently. Only problem is if I do get rid of them I have no idea what they're worth. I know what new ones cost but that's about it. I'll most likely hang onto them cause I'll sell them and then be...
  2. colin779


    It's like a roomba for your aquarium.
  3. colin779

    LED Lighting

    Found it, noticed it right after i left a message on here =)
  4. colin779

    senji's first led build

    Looks pretty good so far, looking forward to seeing what it looks like turned on over the tank =)
  5. colin779

    LED Lighting

    I'll be following along, Interested to far. Would like to rid myself of my halides but not ready to take the plunge yet as i have other more pressing matters to spend cash on.... Haha I am interested in your builds senji.
  6. colin779

    Tank Picture

    Looks good!
  7. colin779

    Lighting Question

    I would guess that's enough, not long term but for a week should be ok. My tank has been getting up to about 82 and i was just thinking about changing when my lights come on. house is nice and cool up until about 5pm, so i was just going to do my normal 8 hours but have them go from 9am to 5pm...
  8. colin779

    double or single end MH? which do you prefer and why?

    I like single end lamps myself. My setup in the canopy is custom and since i didn't build the stand or canopy i don't really have a lot of space for a lamp that requires an enclosed fixture. Aren't the single ended lamps a little cheaper too?
  9. colin779

    Emerald Crabs

    I have one Emerald Crab in my 90. He's done a great job eliminating the last little bit of algae I had in my tank. I don't see him very often, maybe once every couple weeks. Haven't ever seen him pick on any fish and i haven't noticed and wounds on them either (i have a sixline wrasse, 2 clowns...
  10. colin779

    Only a reefer would....

    Good to know its not just me :) Also good to know one of us has some self control :)
  11. colin779

    Only a reefer would....

    Decide I needed to clean my skimmer at 11pm on a Thursday night...
  12. colin779

    14k or 20k halide

    The person that said a bulb that is a 14k and a 20k may have been talking about a dual arc bulb which literally has two tubes in it that fire alternately. One cycle the 14k lights, the next cycle the 20k lights, and it repeats that way =) Twin Arc |Dual-Arc| 175 W watt Aquarium Reef 14K / 20K...
  13. colin779

    Quick question

    Never heard of it myself, sorry =(
  14. colin779

    Volcano reef Round 2/revive tank

    Looking good, again =)
  15. colin779

    Filefish test day 1

    That's a pretty smart idea =)
  16. colin779

    Going, going, gone. The sad demise of my Solana 34......

    Some may consider that to be slightly backwards :bounce:
  17. colin779

    Going, going, gone. The sad demise of my Solana 34......

    True story, i started with a 13, then a 20, then a 29, now a 90. Each step up was more stable for me =) I think 90 is perfect sized too, i would like larger, but just takes more space and money.
  18. colin779

    Giant Clam Poachers lead to Paul Allen's Mega Yacht searching for lost plane

    Paul Allen owned ticketmaster, back in the mid 90's. He sold off most of his shares 15 years ago. It's been owned by USA Networks since. Well, technically it was another company that later changed to USA networks.
  19. colin779

    Giant Clam Poachers lead to Paul Allen's Mega Yacht searching for lost plane

    You'll have to blame the ticketmaster surcharges on ticketmaster, they're based out of California. With the fees they pass onto us i'm sure they are charging the people they sell tickets for a pretty penny also. One of the biggest scams out there i think, it costs more to print tickets at home...
  20. colin779

    Giant Clam Poachers lead to Paul Allen's Mega Yacht searching for lost plane

    Haha. In all reality Paul Allen has done some really cool stuff and donated a lot of money to a lot of causes. Shoot, he wasn't even a football fan but he bought the Seahawks out of "civic duty" because he didn't want the team to leave town. That's a big investment to benefit the city. Sure he...