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  1. ReefJunkie

    heating issues

    You may wish to adjust your lighting schedule. For an example you might want to turn your lights off during the hottest part of the day. Just my 3 cents worth. Regards.
  2. ReefJunkie


    If it is a BTA, sometimes you can point your power head at them and they will move. Kinda a hit an miss though.
  3. ReefJunkie

    Best skimmer for under $300?

    The best of luck to you both!
  4. ReefJunkie

    Best skimmer for under $300?

    Trust me on this one. It's a lot easier to convince your 'fiance' now than your 'wife' later. :(
  5. ReefJunkie

    Best skimmer for under $300?

    By the time September comes along there may be a better one yet so you almost have to do you searching and reviews when it comes time to buy. I run an AquaC EV180 on my 75 gal which is a bit overkill but I really like the performance of this skimmer. I run a calcium reactor also so the JG...
  6. ReefJunkie

    Member of the Month - June 2009

    I had the pleasure of meeting Brandy for the first time about a week ago. A very nice person and a great asset to Reef Frontiers! Congrats Brandy.
  7. ReefJunkie

    SPS ID

    amashun: Great photo of your Montipora species. Can you tell us what camera and lens you are using? Thanks. b
  8. ReefJunkie

    Help with ID

    Thanks Kevin. Kinda thought so but just wasn't sure. As always, "You the Man!". Cheers.
  9. ReefJunkie

    Help with ID

    Hey Kevin, Could you or someone else here help me ID this Coral. I'm thinking that it might be Hydnophora Grandis but really am unsure. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks.
  10. 29gal


  11. ReefJunkie

    long tentacle PLATE CORAL

    I have a short tentacle little guy I picked up acouple of weeks ago pictured below. Loves Coral Frenzy and Mysid Shrimp. I feed after the lights go out.
  12. ReefJunkie

    Happy birthday SCOOTY!

    Happy Birthday Scooter. My Birthday is today too, but I think I got a few more years on you. :) Anyway, many many more!
  13. ReefJunkie

    April Fools

    Check out Reef Central. Someone really worked overtime to do all of that. Also check out the new tang that was discovered and check out the scientific name. :D
  14. ReefJunkie

    "photo movie maker"

    If you have a copy of Nero Burning ROM, you can do it in that as well. Go to for a free trial download to check it out.
  15. ReefJunkie

    Giant Sea Worm

    Sounds like a good April Fools story to me. :)
  16. ReefJunkie

    Lighting Times Day or Night?

    You may wish to keep in mind if you have certain corals, they depend on the lighting to survive so even when not home the lighting may be required depending on what you have in your tank. Regards.
  17. ReefJunkie

    Help! Need opinions please!

    Thanks for the input. Think I'm going to go with the Nikon. Sorry MyTeeMouse, can't afford to get both. :) I could probably be bribbed if you want to tell your wife I gave you one, though. hehe
  18. ReefJunkie

    Any ideas?

    I would agree with tat2z. Even if it turns out to be Majano, they can be just as 'pesty' as aptasia so by getting a control on it early could save you a great deal trouble later. Let us know how things turn out. Regards.
  19. ReefJunkie

    Help! Need opinions please!

    I have narrowed my purchase choice down to 2. Both are at Costco which I like due to the return policy they have. My first choice is the Nikon D90 kit. My second choice is the Canon Rebel XSi kit. Both come 18-55 and 55-200/250 lens. The Nikon is priced at 1299.00 and the Canon is at...
  20. ReefJunkie

    Just Showing off a bit...

    Very clean stand and canopy. Really looks great. Thanks for sharing!