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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. sirfisher

    Cardinal with babies in mouth, we think.

    As I was looking in my tank, I noticed that my cardinal had something sticking out of his mouth and I assume it may be babies. I've never seen anything like this but thought maybe someone else has and can tell me what the chance of survival is. The cardinals cheeks are full and it swims...
  2. sirfisher

    SPS having issues

    thank you for the advice you all.
  3. sirfisher

    SPS having issues

    For some reason my sps polyps don't seem to be coming out like they used to. Our water test are coming out normal and we do water changes frequently. They are growing but don't seem to polyp. We have acroporas that we are concerned about. Any tips:?:
  4. sirfisher

    Tridacna crocea spawning

    That must have been cool to see that happen in your own tank, like the video.
  5. sirfisher

    Free Stuff! Mcmac 2007

    It was a great turn out and we enjoyed meeting new people and even gained a few new members which is what keeps the club going. All the time and effort we all put into it was well worth all the fun we had. Ed, you did a great job getting sponsors to donate so many raffle items. The speakers...
  6. sirfisher

    Free Stuff! Mcmac 2007

    Wow, this is so exciting to see this all coming together and the strong foundation we have behind this hobby. It's great support like this that makes getting into the hobby worth it. Amazing, how much raffle items that will be up for the lucky ones. I'm hoping to come home with the nano tank...
  7. sirfisher

    Free Stuff! Mcmac 2007

    My wife will be donating a basket full of goodies and she enjoys every bit of shopping for this stuff. GOOD LUCK and buy your conference tickets early to increase your chances of winning with the free raffle tickets they are giving out for the early birds.
  8. sirfisher

    Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club working on another Conference for 2007.

    This is great to see how this is all coming together and how much sponsorship and support we have. The list of items that are being donated is growing day by day. This is going to be a conference to remember and the ticket sales are growing. Those extra raffle tickets you get for being an...
  9. sirfisher

    Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club working on another Conference for 2007.

    This is getting better and better by the day. Good Job and lets make this one the best yet. Thank you for your support. It's support like yours that makes these conferences possible. We hope to see you there.
  10. sirfisher

    Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club working on another Conference for 2007.

    This is going to be our second time attending a conference and we expect this will be even better than the last one. We had a great time at the last one and wouldn't miss it for the world. We look forward to meeting new folks that enjoy the hobby as we do and hope to get lucky and win...
  11. 2007 set up of 125

    2007 set up of 125

  12. 2007 set up of 125

    2007 set up of 125

  13. 2007 set up of 125

    2007 set up of 125

  14. sirfisher

    A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

    Got water flowing in the tank now and only put in 100 lbs of live rock so we are going thru the cycling process now but wanted to share some pics. We were looking for some damsels to throw in the tank but was unable to find any in the Tri Cities so we may have to go out of town for them. Enjoy!
  15. sirfisher

    A little toy available for emergencys if needed.

    I will give you a call tomorrow.
  16. sirfisher

    A little toy available for emergencys if needed.

    It must be my lucky day because I was going to ask if anyone had one that I could borrow.
  17. sirfisher

    A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

    The plumbing is complete and water is flowing as of today which was pretty exciting and yes there were leaks but they're under control now. We added a bar light and fan which added a nice touch to the room.:)
  18. sirfisher

    A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

    Here is the latest on the 125 gl project that required a new room built specifically for it. The room is 15 x 16 and we just finished building the wall around the tank last week. Hopefully we can have all the plumbing done and water in it at the beginning of the year.:)
  19. sirfisher

    A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

    Our prays go out to you and your family. Keep up the good sprite. Nacho
  20. sirfisher

    A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

    We will contact you next week and yes Rico will be doing the drilling so I'll have Nacho call him to coordinate something with him. Thanks!