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  1. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    Here's some pics!!
  2. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    Yeah he's good, easiest fish i have ever kept alive (see if that comment stirs people up!!!lol). Need to take more photos anyway mate, still only have the same ones i took ages ago, except the sump!
  3. Ricko


    I have a Teco TR20 and is the only chiller i have owned so can't compare to others, but it is very good and no noisier than my skimmer!
  4. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    lol fair enough!! Now its 2:30 am here!! Will take pics of inhabitants when the lights come on just for mate.
  5. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    Yeah got doors on both sides, makes things very easy!! Never heard of Bean Animals, my overflow is just 3x25mm holes with bulkheads(and the guards on them).
  6. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    lol i'm good bro. How did i know you would be the first to respond????lol Will take pics soon mate,it's 1:30am here!!!
  7. Ricko

    Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

    Made everything myself (with a friend, dad's mate did cabinet under my design). Approx 190g 15mm Starphire polished and bevelled! Hope you like!!
  8. Ricko

    Holes in Fins

    My avatar, is that dorsal limp?
  9. Ricko

    Holes in Fins

    Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but i have never seen a limp dorsal on an idol and can't seem to imagine how it would look, does anyone have a pic of this?
  10. Ricko

    Tomato clown

    I have put a tomato clown in my sump and plan on putting a couple of seahorses in there too. Just curious if it would cause dramas if i added a second tomato clown to the sump?
  11. Ricko

    Macro Algae for Tangs - Grown in the Refugium

    While we are on the subject, what is the best way to prune it? I have started growing caulerpa (don't know what type, not taxifolia but looks similar) and a few leaves were white, assuming they are dead. Is it true this macro can crash and destroy my system?
  12. Ricko

    Macro Algae for Tangs - Grown in the Refugium

    Thanks Sid and Lee, understood.
  13. Ricko

    gravel vac live sand?

    I never used to vac my sand, but after moving mine and finding 10mm of sludge under it i will do so from now on, every few months or so. As has been said though, not a good idea on a true deep sand bed(mine was 1" deep).
  14. Ricko

    Macro Algae for Tangs - Grown in the Refugium

    Just out of curiosity, what problems can be caused from "baked" nori?? (and is there scientific proof or is it proof from experience?) Also, if the ingredients on a pack of nori ONLY state seaweed, then i'm assuming (pretty sure) there are no other ingredients, including seasoning? It seems...
  15. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    One of my LFS'. Been going there for years and they almost matched the price that i found them on a cheap OZ site. Got them for $70aus each.
  16. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    Changed my mind again, bought two of the JVP 202b's 12000lph and put them in the tank yesterday. I recommend these to anyone, they are great and the flow in my tank is perfect!!
  17. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    Ok i just put an order in for two Hydro Koralia 5000lph pumps so hopefully they do the job. Managed to get them almost half the price of the Sunsun so couldn't say no!!
  18. Ricko

    finished sump

    I have added some caulerpa (not sure what type, looks like taxifolia) to the sump and a yellow damsel i have was nibbling on it. Are there any fish i can have in there that will leave it alone?
  19. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but this pump having 2 propellers does it mean that each propeller is pushing 12000L/ph or 6000L/ph????
  20. Ricko

    Skunk Clown Problems

    Also could be the fish...where they came from, how they were handled, how you acclimated them, etc, etc. Hundreds of things can lead to a fishes demise.