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  1. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    Thanks mate, i'll go for it then!!! Also, may i ask how long you have had the koralias???
  2. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    I agree with you all, they sound good. The Aqua-pro brand i am looking at uses a stainless steel shaft, will this be a major problem?
  3. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    Good to hear you are happy with it, i'm looking at another which looks exactly the same and same specs but is Aqua-pro(most likely made in same factory). Do you find the water flow to be quite wide as i don't want the "jet" effect like i have from my Rio's?
  4. Ricko

    Sunsun JVP 102b

    I currently use 2 Rio 3500L/ph pumps for circulation and one has decided to play up and p$#s me off after one and a half years. As good as the Tunze setups are i can't justify the $1200 quote i got so i'm looking at these Sunsun pumps at 5000L/ph. I know that they are a cheap brand but would two...
  5. Ricko

    Strange eating behaviour

    Wow, thanks Lee. Change of plans!!! Will stop mysis as my pack does not say what type. The brine i have is spirulina so i'm assuming one frozen cube is ok once a day?? Also, as my regal is so fat (and i hope people didn't think i was proud of that) for the last few weeks i have been hand feeding...
  6. Ricko

    New skimmer

    Thanks, the mod on the needlewheel looks easy but i'm sure i will fumble around and f@#% up my venturi intake. I don't mind giving it a go but would it be easier to just put a larger pump on it and would that have as good effect??? Are you able to give me a few more details on the venturi mod...
  7. Ricko

    Hermit crabs

    Can't go to Michael's as i'm in OZ, but i will have a look at the LFS'.. Thanks for the feedback, i will watch the dottyback and see if it is her(maybe it is as she's a pig and very overweight).
  8. Ricko

    Strange eating behaviour

    I give them "New life spectrum", frozen mysis and brine shrimp. I feed up to 5 times a day. I am thinking of trying dried Nori seaweed too, maybe that might help. The tangs love the spectrum and my 6" regal is 1" wide (hope she doesn't have a heart attack) and the moorish eats everything, so i'm...
  9. Ricko

    Hermit crabs

    Also what shells can i use, i can't seem to find any larger ones as all these hermits i get are always the same size.
  10. Ricko

    Hermit crabs

    I think another common name for the Hex is "Sixline". I have never noticed the wrasse and dottyback giving the hermits a second look, but will pay more attention to it.
  11. Ricko

    Strange eating behaviour

    Thankyou, makes sense.
  12. Ricko

    Strange eating behaviour

    Weird hey??? They are all individuals i guess!!!
  13. Ricko

    Strange eating behaviour

    I was wondering if it is heard of for a yellow tang and moorish idol to eat zooanthids? I have added some to the tank and these two fish have smashed it! Around the same time (give or take a day or two) i added acropora and a pipe organ and they don't even look at them.
  14. Ricko

    Hermit crabs

    Are hermits short lived?? I can't seem to keep them alive longer than six months. I don't think food is a prob as i am a fairly heavy feeder. My cucumber and a couple of trochus i have had for a year or two are healthy but nt sure if they would be competition for food with hermits.
  15. Ricko

    reverse flow sand bed filter

    I think nozleman means his mate was "literally" pulling his own hair out, not the algae (big sorry if i am wrong). The setup you want has great potential for aerobic filtration, but like everyone keeps saying it will cause problems in a reef tank. It will process ammonia and nitrite into nitrate...
  16. Ricko

    6-line wrasse... DEAD

    Only thing i see funny is how you managed to misinterpret what i wrote, i'm not bragging about having a fish for 1.5 years (does anyone really do that??), i'm just stating the importance of knowing where your fish came from, how it was handled/treated and taking a long good look at it before you...
  17. Ricko

    New skimmer

    This interests me massively!!! How do i go about any of this???
  18. Ricko

    6-line wrasse... DEAD

    I agree and disagree with alot of info here(let's get some controversy goin). First off i don't believe in quarantine!!!!!!!!!! Your hex wrasse must have had a prob at the start if your water parameters and acclimation were all good, my emporer angel died after two weeks and i have put it down...
  19. Ricko

    reverse flow sand bed filter

    I agree, very old approach. You could set it up as planned but without the flow through it. Azgard1, your avatar, is it one of your fish? If so he looks fantastic!!
  20. Ricko

    New skimmer

    no worries, might be quite a while til it is replaced but will let you know.