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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. K

    SPS Growth

    here are some of my babies getting bigger. October to Feb
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    Pickling lime

    anyone had any problems using Mrs. Wages instead of Mothers
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    Pickling lime

    is there a better brand or type to use for kawlk
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    Reef Ceramics

    does anyone know the positives and negetives of using reef ceramics for aquascaping. Also the cost difference vs lr
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    $30 purple tang

    great price for a beautiful and healthy purple tang. Normally $70 or more... give me a call 328-2458 Kevin
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    Sand bed question

    is it a good idea to use home depot type play sand for a sand bed?
  7. K

    bryopsis help!!!!!

    anyone have luck with ridding your tank of bryopsis without tearing it down
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    sea grass type plant taking over

    i have a sea grass type plant slowly growing throughout my tank. No pics sorry. any ideas on how to deal with it. I have been mowing and plucking for a while but can never get it all. Any thoughts would be appreciated. all water parameters are perfect.
  9. K

    For Sale!!!

    Beautiful purple tang for sale at a great price, $50. give me a call if interested 328-2458 Kevin Lucas
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    Rainsford goby in pairs?

    It was mentioned to me that rainsford gobies should be kept in pairs. Does anyone know if this is the caser or not. Second question is, can a rainsford, dragon goby, and lawnmower blenny be together in a 55 gal with 40 gall sump or is this to little relestate
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    swollen/open mouth

    tank temp dropped to 74 and i found true percula with a gapping mouth that wont close. Tissue seems swollen. Does anyone know of what exactly happened, and is there anything i can do. its been about 12 hours and there seems to be no change. Everything else in tank is doing well except clown
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    How to get coral beauty eating?

    i recently acquired a coral beauty. can anyone give advice for getting it to eat, and how long before i worry that it is not eating.
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    should i leave skimmer on?

    I treated my tank with chemi clean for cyano. as soon as i put it in, my skimmer went crazy. If i leave it on will it pull out all of the treatment product or is it pulling out the organic matter that is dying causing the skimmer to go full tilt
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    Next meeting?

    has there been any info for our next meeting?
  15. K

    Slimmed peprmint shrimp

    Woke up to find pepperment shrimp slimmed and mostly eaten. Three days later by same rock second shrimp, same tragic death. Tank is 16 gallon life cube with crabs, snails and 11 different zoos. All perameters are perfect. Any thoughts as to what is killing my shrimp.
  16. K

    Do I have Sick fish???

    I arrived back from the tri-cities meeting yesterday with the zoos and star polyps i got from the auction and put them in my tank after acclimating. Since then my Royal Gramma has not come out from his cave even to eat(and he never misses a meal) and my Bi-color blenny is no where to be found. I...
  17. K

    Amazing Job!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would just like to say that the Tri-Cities people did such an outstanding job this weekend. For this being the first one of its kind i dont belive you could tell. You all managed the chaos so well. From the tank tours, to the distrubition of the silent auction corals, free frags, and food, It...
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    Any zoo's in the area

    Does anyone in the Spokane or surrounding area have lots of different colored zoos? Red, purple, green, blue, fire orange, that they can sell frags of. I was just on Roes Marine world and saw all the beautifully colored zoos they had for sale. Was wondering if anyone here had the same types of...
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    Fish Ideas

    Can anyone give me some ideas for a couple of fish for my 16 gallon life cube?
  20. K

    All you members are Amazing

    I would just like to say that this is the most amazing community. I was refered to this site by Kevinpo when i went to his lfs for the first time last week. The information and education that i have recieved here is priceless. And better then that, the respect and courtesy that all of you show...