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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. krisfal

    Reeftech Programmable LED lights - SOLD

    Reeftech Programmable LED lights Awesome lighting used for about 3 years, program via bluetooth from your PC with easy to use program. 3 x 160 watts. Sunrise, Sunset, Moon rise, Moon set, cloudy periods and lightening storms are all easily programmed. I need this gone in the next month so...
  2. krisfal

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump - No Longer Available

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump 5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump, will sell separately. List Date: 7/21/2014 For more info, click here to view the original listing: 5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump -------------------------------------- This item is no longer available...
  3. krisfal

    NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts - No Longer Available

    NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts - No Longer Available NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts Control from your PC via bluetooth with simple user software, sunrise, sunset, mooncycle...
  4. krisfal

    Misc Equipment for Sale-Lowered prices and new stuff

    46 gal tank $40 Neptune ACIII Controller with DC8, Expansion plug, ORP probe, pH probe, temp probe now $150 Controller by krisfal68, on Flickr Tsunami AT1 Top Off Now $35 Tsunami Top Off by krisfal68, on Flickr Plastic Coral $5, free with additional purchase Coral by krisfal68, on...
  5. krisfal

    More Misc Stuff

    24” Tweezers $10 tweezers by krisfal68, on Flickr Tsunami AT1 Top Off $40 Tsunami Top Off by krisfal68, on Flickr Tiger shark Algae Magnet Tiger Shark by krisfal68, on Flickr Refractometer $20 Refractometer by krisfal68, on Flickr Plastic Coral $5 Coral by krisfal68, on Flickr...
  6. krisfal

    Misc Equipment for Sale

    Magnetic Rock-strong Magnets held strongly on ¾” Acrylic Large $60 2 Medium $50 each Small Frag Rack $40 Magnetic Rock by krisfal68, on Flickr Never used-new Top-off kit $20 Frag-Cave $20 Topoff fragcave by krisfal68, on Flickr Ten Gallon Tank with Stand...
  7. krisfal

    ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts

    ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts Control from your PC via bluetooth with simple user software, sunrise, sunset, mooncycle plus clouds and lightening storms Comes with adjustable rack which allows you to raise and lower lights over tank Paid over $4000, asking $2000 OBO...
  8. krisfal

    29 gallon Acrylic hexagon Seahorse Tank

    29 gallon Acrylic hexagon Seahorse Tank With above tank refugium, sump and skimmer. LED lights Currently one seahorse, a clown fish and a tiger goby. $250 or offer 20140121-20140121-DSCN0351 by krisfal68, on Flickr 20140121-20140121-DSCN0349 by krisfal68, on Flickr...
  9. krisfal

    29 gallon Acrylic hexagon Seahorse Tank

    29 gallon Acrylic hexagon Seahorse Tank With above tank refugium, sump and skimmer. LED lights Currently one seahorse, a clown fish and a tiger goby. $250 or offer 20140121-20140121-DSCN0351 by krisfal68, on Flickr 20140121-20140121-DSCN0349 by krisfal68, on Flickr...
  10. krisfal

    Kris' Seahorse Tank

    It seems I have finally found the patience for this hobby, my latest tank build took over 2 years from conception to stocking with the targeted livestock. Since I was a child I have always been fascinated with seahorses, but even as I got into keeping saltwater tanks I stayed away from...
  11. krisfal

    Free Pacific Northwest Fish ID Classes

    Online courses on local (PNW) fish and invertebrate ID offered by a local scuba organization. Pacific NW Fish ID and Invertebrate ID classes
  12. krisfal

    2010-2011 Board of Directors Elections

    The elections are taking place over on the PSAS website. There are two polls which you should cast your vote. Please Vote! Thanks,
  13. krisfal

    DJ Switch only allow 2 plugs

    I have a DJ strip with 8 switched plugs and one permanent power plug. However, I can only use 2 plugs at a time. If I plug in anything else it will not work, it is not specific to any two particular plug any combo of two will work, any more than two will not. I have tried lower wattage items...
  14. krisfal

    PSAS April Event

    A Day at the Beach Bring your family and come enjoy a day at a local beach with the PSAS. This is a kid friendly event! Saltwater State Park 25205 8th Pl S Des Moines, WA 98198 Saturday April 17, 2010 1:00 p.m. We will have prizes to be won, but you will have to earn them. We will be...
  15. krisfal

    Need help with Angel

    Help please Lee! Asfur Angel aprox 8 inches I have had the fish for about 3 years About a week ago I noticed what appeared to be a scale that was bent. 2 nights ago fishes behavior changed: no longer swam around the tank as usual and was visiting the cleaner shrimp frequently, no other...
  16. krisfal

    PSAS Tank Tour-March

    The PSAS would like to do a tank tour for the March event but we need volunteers. Last year our tank tour was in the North-end so we were thinking this year should be South-end. So if you live in the Puyallup/Tacoma area and own a tank and would like to show it off contact Crystal...
  17. krisfal

    Underwater photos from Hawaii

    For a slideshow of all my underwater photos from Hawaii click here For a slideshow of all my Hawaii pictures on Flicker click here I want to get a bigger flash so I can really make the colors pop out on the coral and fish. The Manta Ray pictures are not that great as I was having to choose...
  18. krisfal

    PSAS September Event-Frag Swap

    The PSAS September 2009 Meeting will be a Frag Swap, September 19, 2009. Meridian Grange Hall #265 15422 SE 272nd St. Kent, WA 98042-4231 The Frag Swap will run from 1:00 PM -- 5:00 PM Setup will begin at 12:00 for those bringing frags to swap or sell.
  19. krisfal

    PSAS June Event-PSAS Annual BBQ

    The Puget Sound Aquarium Society June 2009 Meeting Saturday, June 20, 2009 1:00 PM This month's meeting is our Annual Fundraiser and BBQ. The meeting will be Ziggy's (Chad) home at: 30118 118th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98155 Plan on bringing something for the potluck and some extra $$s to help...
  20. krisfal

    PSAS March Event - Lee Birch

    Lee Birch is returning to the PSAS to talk about Marine Fish: Captive v. Free including captive fish behavior and diseases. We will also have a Door Prize (members only) and a Raffle! Saturday March 21st, 2009 1:00 PM Bellevue Community College 3000 Landerholm Circle S.E., Room B104...