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  1. spongebob lover

    DOODS !!!

    well after so much waiting and sweating (seriously alot of sweating ) and tears guess what ...............I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE !!! :D:lol:, no more bus, no more bicycle and definetly not more walking miles for me :D:lol: . I did the test on Friday, i seriously was shaking like never before...
  2. spongebob lover

    is it just me or this is sort of kewl

    i was just checking around stuff and all of a sudden i saw this :) it seems really kewl, is anyone ordering one? :)
  3. spongebob lover

    here i go again

    well even though it's embarrasing, i thought i'd post some pics of the after math :oops: and well now my new plans begin hehe ...i'm planning on reaquascaping the tank, up grading lights, and just overall getting new equipment and making the tank look pretty ( i hope this time i can make it look...
  4. spongebob lover

    hey doods !!

    well first, i wanted to say hi to all since i'm not to much around here anymore :oops:...the dog, kids, house just keep me busy and sometimes i barely have time for myself :). My little one decided to dump salt in the sump which all got into the fish tank :rolleyes: and well so far i lost an...
  5. spongebob lover

    cooking ideas

    ok doods/ettes since i'm into this loosing fat competition i gotta eat healthy :p and i was just wondering if anybody knows how to cook steak without butter or oil (yes margarine too ) far the only way i can think of is boiling steak but i only like it that way in pho any...
  6. spongebob lover

    ohh boy

    HI DOODS !!! i hope everyone is doing great :D:). i feel like i barely put a foot here so i just wanted to say hi to everybody :).
  7. spongebob lover

    i'm going back to school :)

    Well after thinking it through for quite sometime, i decided that even though it's fun to spend the hubbys money:D and being a staying at home mom, i'd like to get a degree, make my own money and even help pay bills :p, so i'm already looking into schools, right now the only problem i got...
  8. spongebob lover

    wii fit :D

    i thought this was hylarious :lol: :lol:
  9. spongebob lover

    Happy new year :d

    just in case i don't get to log on today ....HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! :) i hope everyone has a good one :D
  10. spongebob lover

    how long will this one last ?

    well my guess is 2 days before it's a goner :rolleyes::lol::lol:. and this will be toy # 15 in the Robacha's toy testing list :doubt::p ....seriously i'm crossing my fingers this will last at least 2 days ...i mean last toy only lasted 5 mins's a wobba wobba...i heard good...
  11. spongebob lover

    Happy thanksgiving !!!

    i hope everyone have a great thanksgiving :)....enjoy your turkeys and IF you have cake ....well you know the rule or in case some don't know it says #3246 : any member of Reef Frontiers shall send a slice of cake to Gaby AKA: spongebob lover every holyday or birthday :D....jk :D HAVE A GREAT...
  12. spongebob lover


    Well Thurday i believe is Thanks giving :D, so i was wondering what is everyone doing? anyone has a good turkey recipie? :) i'm making pumkin pie :D , cinnamon buns, mushed potatoes, gravy, sweet beans, and last but not least TURKEY ....ohh yeah and as i new tradition we're gonna make egg...
  13. spongebob lover

    my sleeping beauty

    she's really weird when it comes to sleeping :lol::lol:...ohh yeah and she's snores louder than me :lol::D. Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-11-22 Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-11-22 Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-11-22
  14. spongebob lover

    dog sitters or dog hotels

    Well it seems like i might be going down to California for Cristmas but now we're into this huge dilemma on what to do with Robacha :doubt::rolleyes:, we thought about dog hotels but i guess she's not welcomed because she's a pitt mix, then our neighbour offered to take care of her but she wants...
  15. spongebob lover

    Happy halloween !!!

    I hope you all have a great Halloween night :D , we're planning on trick or treating tonight, hopefully the weather is good *crossing fingers*. Antonio is dressing up as Dark Vader....ok ok Darth Vader :p:D and Olivia is gonna be some sort of morf between mini mouse and a cheerleader...
  16. spongebob lover

    The Hulk

    last night we watched the hulk and even though i wasn't as impressed as i was with IronMan :D....i was freaking out by the end of the movie....i guess after all there's gonna be a movie with all the super heroes which i'm gonna be freaking out about because it'll be awesome to see Ironman,the...
  17. spongebob lover

    ouch ouch and more ouch

    Robacha got spayed 3 weeks ago and well she's been having this lump right by the incision(she's extremely hyper), the vet said that we had to keep her down and calm, no walks, no running, no jumping :rolleyes: ......pffff, so anyways, she's been going insane and i'm going insane...
  18. spongebob lover

    today is the day :D

    Well today was the day for Robacha, we dropped her off at the doctors and now, SHE'S GETTING FIXED !!! :badgrin::lol::lol: ......poor thing, she'll never know what it's like to .....never mind :lol::lol:
  19. spongebob lover

    this song is stuck in my brain :p

    today i woke up and the only thing that was buzzing in my head was this song :lol: :lol:
  20. spongebob lover

    advice on neighbours :p

    ok i had it !! it's 1:48 and i can smell weed everywhere i go...yes that's right marijuana or weed or whatever is that we call it. i have 2 dirtbags as neighbours and it's getting to my nerves, you can see people coming and going all the time and the smell is just horrible !! :mad::doubt:. i...