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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. bigblue141

    It's been a long time and I'm at a loss

    Came home from a business trip and found a new to us 55 gallon saltwater aquarium in the house. There's no overflow or refugium, but there's 2 hang off the back filters. Since the door was open, I'll be looking for a 220+ reef tank again, but I'd like to make sure the clowns live until I make...
  2. bigblue141

    Tapatalk works great

    Phone doesn't coporate as well as i wish. Could be operator as well? :) Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  3. bigblue141

    Operation military service member identifier

    I asked Mojo very nicely if us Military Members could get a "Military Member" Tag like the one in my Signature. He said I needed to get all of us Military Members identified and let him know who we are so we can get a group to get our tag ;) I'll start... Name: Ryan Service: U.S. Navy...
  4. bigblue141

    Rep Points?

    What happened to the Rep Points?
  5. bigblue141

    Dubai, UAE Aquariums

    Well I went to Atlantis in Dubai, UAE. I did the Water Park which was a really good time and also did the "Lost Chambers" on another day. Don't waste your money on the "Lost Chambers" portion. Took us a whole 15 minutes walking from one end to the other stopping to look and "awe" at all the...
  6. bigblue141

    Propane service

    Anyone in the Propane business that would like to hook a fellow reefer up with a set up, or do you know who the best company is to go with. Thanks
  7. bigblue141

    Help with HOUSEHOLD water filtration

    Anyone out there install water filteration on homes? My new house is on a community water system, but about once every other month or so the water is red for part of the day. I would like to get a filter for all my household water, but do not know where to go or what kind to get. Most of the...
  8. bigblue141

    New Family Addition

    Well it's official. I'm a dad of 2 girls now. Newest one arrived in Bellingham Hospital Dec 1st, 2010 0807 7lbs11oz 19inches long. Crappy thing is I have 4+ months before I'm home to hold her :(:(:(
  9. bigblue141

    Member Tags

    I don't know if this is even possible, but I'm a member of cumminsforum and they have "tags" for military members, public safety, and others. I was wondering if this is something we could get here on RF?
  10. bigblue141

    Clown Only Tank

    I would like to set up a cube for a clown only tank with Frogspawn & Hammer Coral for them to host in. I know that clowns don't normally swim around a whole lot, but how small is too small of a tank? I was thinking of some percs or osc clown. My idea was to get a cube that's about 18 x 18 x...
  11. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    I just got word that I'm deploying in 2 weeks for a 6+ month deployment. My wife and I have an offer on a house that's a short sell. If the seller's bank approves our offer, she will be moving in about 3 months when she'll be around 8.5 months prego. I was wondering if in the event that we...
  12. bigblue141

    Dungeness Crab

    All you local guys that like to eat crab, but don't get a chance to go out and catch them, here's your chance! Crabbing season is open. I have a big boat and always have room for an extra body if you'd like to come out and catch some fresh crab, as I usually throw a bunch back every time I go out.
  13. bigblue141

    Clowns Just laid eggs

    My clowns just laid eggs. What's the easiest set up to throw together to try to raise them? I've read several topics on several different ways to do it. I don't really want to invest a ton of money into it as they are only osc clowns, but it would be cool to try to raise some. Thanks for the...
  14. bigblue141


    If I could get some help on Identification, I'd be grateful. Thanks, Ryan #1 #2 #3
  15. bigblue141

    Bulkhead strainers

    Does anyone know where to get bulkhead strainers like this in sizes other than for a JT 1" bulk head? I'd like to put two 1 1/2" bulkheads for a feed to my CL and do not care for the look of the standard type of strainer that's available out there. Thanks for the help, Ryan
  16. bigblue141

    Tiny Feather Dusters

    Is there a fish or any other critter out there that anyone knows of that will eat these? I have thousands of little tubes housing baby feather dusters all over my entire system and am growing tired of scraping them off my glass. They come and go on the rocks and I currently have an explosion...
  17. bigblue141

    Broken t-5 in tank

    :shock::cry::(:(:cry::shock: So I get a phone call from my wife stating one of my T5's broke when she closed the canapy this morning. I ran (drove) home, spent a couple hours removing all the glass particles I could see, put in a fresh carbon bag on the over flow, did a 40 gallon w/c, removed...
  18. bigblue141

    Fy 2011 cpo board

    I don't know how many people out there even know what it means to make it to board, so I'll briefly explain it. 100% of E-6's that are senior enough take the Chief's exam. The top 20-30% are chosen to go to the "board". The board usually promotes about 20% of the people that made it to...
  19. bigblue141

    Mangrove filter

    I'm toying with the idea of adding a 30 gallon tank or so plumbed to my sump planted with a couple of Mangrove trees. The tank will be close to gound level and will be out in the open. I'm wanting feed back as to how well, if at all Mangroves work, and if I need to also run a DSB in the...
  20. bigblue141

    ID these please

    I have no Idea what these are. Could someone please help me out? Thanks, Ryan