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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Ellylove

    Stony Cutters and Return Flow Flares

    Couple quick questions: What Stony Coral cutters does everyone use/recommend? I'd like to get some that are also able to cut frag plugs... :) Also, What's the best way to get lockline apart without destroying it? I have a splitter on my return and a lot of lockline, and I want to go to no...
  2. Ellylove

    Tagging Other Users in a Post

    Is there any way that user tagging could be enabled? On Facebook you type @ and then the person's name and it posts whatever you posted on their page too. I'd like to be able to do this in posts (especially classifieds) and have the person get an email notification (optional) that says...
  3. Ellylove

    Classifieds "Previous" and "More" Buttons

    I LOVE the new classifieds section, but the "more" button is really hard to see (3 people and myself did not see it in my post and were missing out on the other pages and vital information). There is no "previous" button that I am aware of. I have to refresh the page every time I want to go back...
  4. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    A little over a year ago, I sold all of the livestock in my tank for many reasons. My dad's cancer came back, my fiancé came home from Iraq, I got married, and I moved, thus I had no time for the tank. I LOVED my set up and I LOVED my critters. Originally, I started out with a 46 gallon...
  5. Ellylove

    Baby Cleaner Shrimp; Help?

    I have a pair of very friendly cleaner shrimp in my 29 gallon biocube and they both have babies about every 6-8 days. I turned the pump off one time in the evening and one shrimp went to the surface and shook out it's hundreds of babies which just swam at the top of the water. Since they have...
  6. Ellylove

    29 gallon Oceanic BioCube HQI

    Does anyone have one of these? I am looking into getting one and I'd like to see what people think about their new updated model before my purchase. It sure looks pretty!
  7. Ellylove

    Coral Propagation in the Wild

    Some of these corals look familiar and it's wonderful to see the reefs being cared for! :) See the video here
  8. Ellylove

    Thank you Reef Frontiers!!!

    I just want to give kudos to this site, it's mods, and it's members. I am also a member on another site where you have to have 50 posts and 3 months as a member before you can even SEE the fs/ft threads! It is so nice to feel welcomed and not like I have to prove myself before being able to post...
  9. Ellylove

    Getting Ricordia to "Stick"

    I received a very beautiful ricordia polyp from someone but it isn't attached to anything. I put it in a low flow spot in the tank but when I was moving some zoas it got swept under the lr and it took me 30 min to fish it out with a spoon and my mom's help. Right now I have it on an empty shell...
  10. Ellylove


    Many corals have the name Tyre attached to them. Just curious, but does anyone know the store behind him and if we can see pics of his tank anywhere? I figure if his corals have gotten this famous we should be able to look at his tank and drool at all the originals and the beauty of what those...
  11. Ellylove

    Ellylove's 46 Gallon Bow Front (VERY Pic Heavy!)

    Some of you have been asking for pictures and since Reef Frontiers doesn't have a facebook app yet I thought I would finally post some on here. I have a 46 gallon bow front with a Coralife Aqualight Pro light (2 65 wt true blue actinics, a 150 wt, 10,000 k MH, and 2 blue lunar LEDs). The euro...
  12. Ellylove

    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    Has any one tried them in a saltwater tank? I have tons in my freshwater and apparently they are tolerant of saltwater. Just curious. : ) Info from wiki: Habitat Although normally a freshwater snail, this species is very tolerant of brackish water, and has been recorded in waters with a...
  13. Ellylove

    The Great Pudget Sound Experiment!

    Being so close to the sound (I'm about 6 min away from the water) I have this horrible temptation to go scavenge, find something awesome, and put it in my tank. Or at least find something that I can offer my fish as food. I know that many shrimp can acclimate to cold or warm water. Has anyone...
  14. Ellylove

    Clownfish and Anemone

    I have a pair of false percs that I just bought a small (gorgeous) long tentacled nem for. I know the long tentacled isn't their anemone, but has anyone gotten a pair of ocs to host in one? Is it worth a shot trying to get them to, or am I wasting my time and money? The nem's "long" tentacles...
  15. Ellylove

    Zoa VS Paly

    Just a newbie asking a dumb question. What is the difference between a zoa and a paly?
  16. Ellylove

    Quite a Lighting Pickle

    I have a 46 gallon bow front tank so naturally, it has a euro brace running right down the middle of it on the top. A black euro brace. Now, my problem is this. I have a MH light in the middle of my 36" light (and 2 actinics on the sides) and I have a big shadow right down the middle of my tank...
  17. Ellylove

    Coral Placement Based on Temperment

    As someone just getting started in the reef keeping hobby, I want to make sure I start out right. I'd like to have a mix of many different kinds of corals, but I want to make sure that they will be happy with who they are forced to live by. I look at corals online and I see "temperment" and I...