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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. H

    Gracilaria macroalgae

    Hey guys my tank is starting to be a tang tank. They love eating sheets of Algae but I was thinking about giving them Live Gracilaria. Does anyone have experience with growing it? I found an excelent Article from 2009
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    Briopsis and New tank

    As a lot of you guys know I have started a new tank (you can see it in the Tank Show Off forum). One of the main reasons I am building this tank is because my 90gallon tank has a terrible outbreak of Bryopsis that I was unable to beat and just gave up. My question is I wanted to transfer some...
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    Long Awaited 150g custom Aquarium

    Hey guys This has been a long but very enjoyable process, My wonderful wife gave me a 75gal used setup for Christmas 2009, I loved that tank and needed to upgrade the tank to a 90g since it was bowing. As with all used tanks I spent the next 3 years upgrading this and changing that. I got to...
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    Upgrading Aquarium

    I will be upgrading my 90g to a 150 gallon tank, Anyone have a thought on how long it would take for the new tank to mature if I use some live rock and water from my old tank to "seed" my new tank. I plan on using dry rock like marcos rock for the rest of the rockwork. I read...
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    Filtered Puget Sound Water

    There is an individual in Everett that sells Filtered Puget Sound water for around 80cents a gallon. I was wondering if anyone has used this water or heard anything good or bad about using water from the Puget Sound? I have a RODI filter but since I recently purchased a 150gal from OBD It will...
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    Switching over to a Fish only

    I have had a 90 gallon reef tank for more then 4 years, but now my kid is 10 months old and I don't have the time to properly maintain it. I am thinking that if I switch over to a fish only at least for a while I can keep my tank and have the ability to maintain it properly. My question is...
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    Aquarium Decoration

    I was watching the show Tanked the other day and got this crazy idea to put a crashed WW2 B17 or P51 in the tank and let my corals grow on it. I did some searching and all the decorations look so cheesy and are too small for my tank. On the show they talk about using a sealant apoxy type stuff...
  8. H

    My tank crashed today, Help

    My aquarium has pretty much been on cruise control for the last 2 years. Everything was growing like crazy and my clown fish have spawned 4 times in the last 2 months. I actually was in the process of adding a 20 gal frag tank to deal with the overgrown coral "problem". Today I came home and...
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    Looking to buy a taller reef tank

    I realized I don't have the money needed to do the 250g tank I wanted to build so I decided to replace my current 75g tank with a slightly larger one. I am going to use the same stand and equipment of course slightly modified. My current dimensions on my 75g are 48 x 18 x 20. To use the same...
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    I want to buy a new tank...

    I just bought a new house and since I will be moving I decided to upgrade my tank from my 75g to a 200g. Looking around I found that Marineland has an all inclusive tank called the 200 gallon Marineland Monterey Deep Dimension Super system tank. (here's the link) Does anyone have any thoughts...
  11. H

    The "I have had my account for 6months and haven't said HI" Thread

    As you can tell I have been a member for 6 months and have just recently started posting. Well to be honest I actually forgot I created an account untill I stumbled accross these forums recently and it told me I already created an account. WOW I am glad I "stumbled" onto it again, all the...