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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. WABlonde

    75 Gallon w/ Live Rock

    Lacey, WA Selling our complete setup. Has dual back-pack skimmer, Fluval FX5 Filter, 48" Coralife lighting...
  2. WABlonde

    Metal Halide Lamp Question...

    Looking to replace the lamps for the tank.... 150W 10K double ended metal halides. I've purchased them in the past from Marine Depot. Shamefully, it's been a loooong time, the corals are doing poorly and we're having an algae outbreak. *Note: We're wanting out of our aquarium, so don't want...
  3. WABlonde

    Live Aragonite Sand

    Live Aragonite Sand I have approximately a 5lb. bucket worth of live aragonite sand from salt water set-up that needs a home. Would prefer to trade - I can use a pump, filter for 30 gal fw tank, or neutral colored rocks for fw set-up. Let me know what you have! Will keep tank circulating in...
  4. WABlonde

    Funny Fish or Tank Issues?

    Hoping someone here might have some answers as Google failed me. I have a 45 gal hex and it's only occupant is a dragon wrasse. Just recently he started going up and pressing himself against the overflow causing a tank full of bubbles.. then he'll go about and swim through the bubbles. A...
  5. WABlonde

    75 Gal full set-up - Lacey, WA

    75 Gallon Saltwater set-up looking for a good home. I REALLY don't want to deal with parting this out. Looking to sell as complete set-up. Have QT Tank, extra light set, and new Megaflow sump to sweeten the deal. Have new pump for skimmer on order as one of ours has recently decided it...
  6. WABlonde

    About to order a Fluval CP4 pump. Any Reviews?

    I'm looking at ordering a pump/powerhead for circulation for our 75g and price is a factor. Came across the Fluval CP4 but I'm not finding much in the lines of reviews. Has anyone used these? I've read in one place that they have suction cups.. another review said they were magnetic. I...
  7. WABlonde

    Niger M.I.A.

    We have a hex which houses a Niger trigger, fox face and dragon wrasse. They've lived together well for probably around a year now.. At feeding time the other night, our Niger (who is the biggest beggar in the tank) didn't show. And he's NOWHERE to be found. He appeared to be healthy and we...
  8. WABlonde

    Saw something cool last night

    I picked up two gbt anemones from Marlinmero a few weeks ago and my clowns took straight to them. We've been feeding them with long prongs but last night I was particularly lazy and just tossed in a shrimp. One of the clowns snatched it up and threw it into his anemone. Now I know this...
  9. WABlonde

    Fox Face Slayer

    Bah! We've just killed off Steve II, our 2nd Fox Face. We don't do water changes often (maybe a month or two inbetween) since tests look good. Testing only salinity, nitrates, nitrites, amonia and ph. Last time we did a water change, the fox face died. Today.. same deal. Only did about a...
  10. WABlonde

    Could it be rust?

    We did a partial water change on our display last week. About 15 gallons for the 75. Scrubbed some of the algae off of one of our big rocks but really didn't disturb much else. Rinsed out the skimmer cups and also rinsed out the fluval. All normal stuff that we've not had problems from in...
  11. WABlonde

    Peppermint Shrimp Eggs??

    We have two pepps in our tank which tend to hang out together in a small cave area. I noticed one of them today which looked as though her belly was FULL of clear/white eggs. After luring her out with some food, I attempted to take some pictures but face it... Kodak sucks.. So I'm pretty sure...
  12. WABlonde

    hypo with anemone??

    As the thread says, we are wanting to treat fish in our QT tank for ich with hyposalinity. However, we have a new rock that we received from a friend with two GBTs that we have sitting in there as we haven't made space for it in the QT. Can we treat fish with hypo with the nems in there or...
  13. WABlonde

    Anemone Addition!

    I'm so excited to have our first anemone! We picked up a colonial type rose bubble anemone from Barrier Reef. We lucked out as after a drive from Olympia, we found all of the red anemonies on hold :( .. but found this little guy that was turned into the store from a customer. Apparently too...
  14. WABlonde

    Advice needed on sand bed cleaning

    I have a 75 gallon set-up with about 2-3" of sand. Current tank occupants are only a few corals, a hand full of snails, few shrimp and an emerald. All the fishies are in a QT tank and still have a few weeks before they can return to the display. I want to take this opportunity to give the...
  15. WABlonde

    Is my coral sick?

    One of our two leather fingers hasn't been doing well for a week or more. Google and my reference books have only taken me so far. Any ideas what's going on? I know they can be toxic to other corals - should it be removed? It's currently shrunk up, a bright green-blue color and looked as...
  16. WABlonde

    Refractometer Suggestions?

    We were talking last night of picking up a refractometer for hyposalinity treatment. Google just brings up too much of something I know nothing about. Do you have any suggestions for a fairly decent refractometer that won't kill my checking account? Would also be nice to know best place to...
  17. WABlonde

    I smell trouble..... ;)

    Shelbyguy just crafted his own aiptasia zapper after a quick trip to Home Depot.... We'll see how well it worked in a day or two.. :D
  18. WABlonde

    What is happening to my cucumber?!

    We have a sea cucumber that's been fairly busy around the tank. Yesterday he was stretched out a bit funny but then took back to a normal shape. In the photo, you can notice a greenish area in the middle of him that looks almost like a callus. Today - I turn on the light to say goodmorning...
  19. WABlonde

    Help ID please. Baby Anemone?

    So I found something that I was afraid was a group of eggs but in looking at it today in clear water, it looks to me to be a baby anemone. It's a very pretty bright pink with clear tenticles that have white balls on the end. If you touch it, it closes up into a pink ball. Here's the best two...
  20. WABlonde

    NEED Fluval replacement motor...

    Hi.. not sure how else to go about this other than post an SOS thread. We just got our tank home and are in the process of setting it up... and... the motor to the Fluval FX5 canister filter went out. :(. I thought, what's the chance that someones put aside their Canister in exchange for a...