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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    After taking a few years away from the hobby I've decided to dive back in. My last tank was a 55g for a while, but when I moved, I had to strip it down and sell it off. The last few years, I have been tank-less. For the new build, stocking is still up in the air and I'm open to suggestions, but...
  2. P

    Top Off Question

    This might be kind of a dumb question, but my air conditioning produces a lot of condensation that runs into a bucket. I've used it for years to water my plants, but I was wondering if it would be ok to use it to top off my tank. I figure it's just condensation, but I'm not expert and I'd like...
  3. P

    Plumbing Question

    Started doing some preliminary plumbing and I have a question. Which would you suggest I use in my overflow, a Durso or Stockman Standpipe. What are the pro's and con's. I made both and I'll picture them here. Both are ~5.5" Tall to go in a 6" deep External Overflow My first ever PVC...
  4. P

    20g Nano Setup

    Setting up my new tank and my first reef setup, wanted to get a few opinions/suggestions. Here is the gear some of it I have bought some of it is theory. Stats: Tank ~20g - 24 x 13 x 16 - External Overflow Sump ~10g (Rubbermaid) Remora Skimmer Aqua Medic Ocean Light 1X150W DE...
  5. P

    Not good.....

    Today I did my usual water change, maybe a little more then I usualy do ~50% instead of my usual 25-30%. Fish (false perc) looked happy and I fed him just before the water change, he was a little slugish but I figured he was just having bad day. Checked params, ph a little low 7.8 but...
  6. P

    My DIY Stand Attempt

    Just made a new stand for my future 20g nano I intend to build (as soon as funds allow). I only have a smaller tank ~10g atm but, I thought I'd plan a little ahead and start the process from the ground up so to speak. I really don't have much space and I never intended on having a sump or...