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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. jeremys78

    Ocellaris Spawn

    Well, After ages of waiting (1.5 yrs), I finally have a mated ocellaris pair. This is a picture of their first clutch, approximately 2 days before hatching. :D
  2. jeremys78

    SPS Identification Quiz

    OK, maybe not a quiz, but a series of questions at least! I need help identifying these new additions. Genus species if possible, as well as common names so I can learn. :) Hint - They're from Dang's tank... Here are my (wild) guesses: 1. "Tricolor" 2. "Blue staghorn" 3. "Lavender" 4...
  3. jeremys78 actinic FAQ I don't know if anyone else has used these actinic bulbs, but I just replaced my 13 month old 96W Coralife PC actinic with this bulb. (Yes, I'm a sinner :oops: ) First impression - slightly more intense than the old Coralife bulb Second impression - it makes other stuff...
  4. jeremys78

    Clone RBTA (pictures)

    After many months of looking big & healthy... (notice the tupperware sandbed for one very spoiled wrasse) The strangest thing happened... Background: Feed anemone approximately 3 times per week obscene quantities of plankton & Reef-One. (He's a hungry guy!) Provide with a daily blast of...
  5. jeremys78

    Hunt & Capture for Disease Identification & Therapy

    Three questions: 1. How to capture a Royal Gramma basslet from a system? 2. How to identify disease (I only suspect it is present)? 3. How to treat said disease once it is verified & identified? Let's tackle these one at a time. First: I have tried to take macro's of her in the tank to...
  6. jeremys78

    New to Reef Frontiers...

    Hello all, Been working at this "reef" thing since Jan 2005. Up to this point I've relied on Fenner's Consciencious & Moe's Handbook like crazy. Don't know why I didn't come here to ask/listen/learn from your collective experience sooner - but here I am. I met Elmo when I got some cap frags...
  7. jeremys78

    Picture Post Test

    Here we go... Test, test, test... :)