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  1. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    yo update! I bought a new heater. 100 watts I believe and moved the tank to a spot away from the window. The temps now range from 77-78.6 degrees F. thanks all.
  2. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    So i checked with another thermometer and the temp came up the same. I switched heaters from another tank and there is no difference in temps. I'm thinking the ambient room tempreture is the culprit. Its pretty cold in the room that has the fish tank. About 50-55 degrees F. Also the tank is by a...
  3. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    im using a coral life electronic thermometer with probe.
  4. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    I think it was a marineland? it was the most expensive one petco had, not a cheapy no name brand or anything. Would frequent plug pulling kill a heater. every day when i feed or do some kind of maintenance i turn the power supply off. Would that shorten the life of a heater?
  5. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    looks like i need to buy a new heater then. I set mine at 82 and the top temp it ever reaches is 70.
  6. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    yea damn, thats what i thought. I cant seem to get the temps up.
  7. J

    A question about lighting and temps.

    I have a 65 watt coralife over my ten gallon tank. Would that be considered low or moderate lighting? I want to get some cool torch or frogspawn but I wasnt sure if my lighting was enough. And also my reef tank is at 68 degrees farenheight give or take a couple of degrees. I havent noticed any...
  8. J

    lighting question would that lamp look like normal daylight?
  9. J

    lighting question

    thanks for the great info! i think im going to try a 5600k and see if i like the look.
  10. J

    lighting question

    my tank is a ten gallon. So actinics are used for night time viewing? Would it be alright to run a 6500k alone for like 10 hours and then an actinic for 14? Are you sure the actinic light wont bother my critters at night. I was told by someone that they can see in that light range and it will...
  11. J

    lighting question

    i have a 65 watt corallife 50/50 light. I was wondering if it would be bad for my corals(lps and softies) if i switched the lamp to just a daylight lamp. What exactly is actinic light and what does it do? What would happend if i just ran an actnic lamp over my tank?
  12. J

    yasha hase goby questions

    so your ideas totally worked. It was an immediate diffrence in boldness. I would say 30 seconds after setting up the overhang and rubble the goby came halfway out. First time ive seen more than an eye since i saw him at the lfs.
  13. J

    yasha hase goby questions

    excellent advice,thanks guys! im going to put some rubble one the left and right side of their den and then glue some rock to make an overhang. Ill try to post pics and tell you if it made a diffrence.
  14. J

    yasha hase goby questions

    I was wondering if they are sand sifters. I ask because my yasha hase hides with his shrimp all day in a cave. the opening to the cave isnt big enough for him to get out so hes not getting any food. I tried making the opening bigger but the shrimp always makes it smaller again. should i be...
  15. J

    eheim eco filter

    im not sure if my live rock is good enough. The rock was actually dry tufa rock i got at petco. After six months though it sure looks like live rock.
  16. J

    eheim eco filter

    i have one of those and im really happy with it. Ive been using the filter media that came with it,, and i was wondering if you guys would recommend ditching it or keeping it. I was thinking about ditching it and adding chemi-pure to one compartment, sea gel...
  17. J

    Does the size of the pistol shrimp matter with a shrimp goby

    Will a yasha hase goby form a bond with a pistol shrimp even if the shrimp is still very small? (its about the size of my thumbnail)
  18. J

    is this product safe for marine tanks?

    thanks for the replys guys. i almost bought that sea chem stuff but i think ill leave it alone now. so 7.9 is an ok ph? maybe i shouldnt try screwing with it then.