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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. C

    Cuparmine and sensitive fish

    Are there any fish that you would not use a copper treatment on. IE I have had problems with dwarf angels and my QT with Cuparmine process.
  2. C

    Two of my tanks

    Just wanted to take a few pics of two of my tanks while I was at decided to post them. A few new coral in each so some aren't opening up yet in the pics. Enjoy.
  3. C

    Blue Spotted toby Puffer

    Thanks for the information.
  4. C

    Blue Spotted toby Puffer

    Can a Blue spotted toby puffer safley handle a freshwater bath/dip? For that matter any puffer. Just not sure cuase of the special care puffer can requirer with handling? Thanks in Adanvce