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  1. K

    Genral question about clowns.

    Thanks for the help maxx (and every one else). I now will order the fish after i get home from my 1.5 week vacation down to seattle. When i get back i will oder them throw my LFS so that i can get them. Thanks
  2. K

    Genral question about clowns.

    Ok on the site that you just gave me (thanks) it says that Pink skunks (a.perideraion) is hosted by this anenome in the wild at times.
  3. K

    Genral question about clowns.

    Hey ok so here i go, aquarium has been running for about at least two years. Last stock i add was about two weeks ago. stock that went in was the anenome a clam and three fish (none made it becuse of a little bastered (six line wrasse)). I have now id the anenome as a M.doreensis (problem)...
  4. K

    Genral question about clowns.

    Sorry about that its a 55 gallon.
  5. K

    Genral question about clowns.

    Ok so here i go, my question is should i get a pair of pink skunk clown fish. Thats the main question, here is the next question would they live well with my long tentical anenome (which is all ready in the aquarium). Ok so i know you guys/gals, will want to know whats in the aquarium. I have a...
  6. K

    What type of anemone?

    i would belive on the pics that they are bubble tips :razz:
  7. K

    where to do photo stiching

    i need to do the above with two pics of mine