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  1. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Thanks Anthony, well i will just keeping doing what i am doing then, manual removal combined with heavy skimming and my usual 10-15% water change every week. thanks for all the help and Happy new year to you! Nick
  2. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    shoot forgot to ask. what is it that makes this algae not so attractive towards herbivores? is it the seconday metablites they produce (aka alkoenoids)? or am i off base here? just kind of curious here. thanks again Nick
  3. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Thanks, i kind of figured that the tangs would be hit and miss. how many would you recommend for a 275 SPS tank? i was thinking of starting out with say 4 or so and see what they do with this Dictyota. i can always remove some later on if need be i guess. are there any other inverts out there...
  4. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Anthony, one more thing real quick, i was doing some more research and found that some who have had this before have use Diadema(long spine) urchins with some success. what do you think about those compared to tangs? thanks again Nick
  5. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    i guess i should have said which oraganisms "can" consume it besides an urchin? dont want it to put marks into my new acrylic tank. Nick
  6. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    It is funny how striking it is for an algae, haha. i guess i will bite the bullet and keep picking it out by hand combined with heavy skimming. what are your thoughts about tangs consuming it? are there ones that have a better chance at eating this stuff? i know its all chance, but are there...
  7. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Hi Anthony, yes i did do the search i found this...
  8. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Hey sorry for the bad pics, haha working on that part. here are some better ones that you can hopefully use to help me ID it. is that any better? thanks Nick
  9. nbd13

    Algae ID?

    Hi Anthony, i need some help here IDing a type of algae that is really starting to take over my reef. i am thinking it is Dictylota divaricata but want to get another confirmation. and now if you can ID this for me that would be great. Also what can i do to get this crap OUT of my tank...
  10. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    Well atleast the good news is you found out why they were slowly dying. i have done some searches also and like you cam up with mixed reports. i would try those nudi branches and see what happens. i hope everything makes a full recovery. Nick
  11. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    Hey just checked for you, they seem to be working great for me. Nick
  12. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    Haha, well then i will just forget about it for now. i have no clue about HTML language. anyway nice site, cant wait to see when more pics go up! Nick
  13. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    yep that must be the problem i use internet explorer. he if you dont mind me asking where did you go about getting a website? did you go through a certain company or hosting site? how are the corals? recovering i hope? thanks again Nick
  14. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    Looks really nice, some of the pics int he "Update" section dont work for me, not sure if its my computer or not. anyway very nice website! Nick
  15. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    Maybe try and bump the mag up alittle. also the chiller, if you are looking for a new one, JBJ artica makes a comercial line, i have the 1/2 hp and love it, but they make bigger units all the way up to 3 hp i think. i know Chuck (moonpod) also uses the same chiller, he recommend it to me so...
  16. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    What fish do you think you lost? i hope the Morish Idol is still ok along with your regal and achilles tang. good luck and i hope you get power back soon. Nick
  17. nbd13

    A 750g SPS system is born

    WOW now thats a skimmer, haha! any pics of it in action? BTW nice scrubs, may i ask what you do? also thanks for the 1/3rd view of the tank with the MHs on, haha..... Nick
  18. nbd13

    Anthias Compatability

    Thanks Kevin, maybe i will just stick with 5-7 barletts anthias and go from there since my tank is pretty large, well not compared to yours, haha! thanks for the help! Nick
  19. nbd13

    Anthias Compatability

    thanks Kevin! i am not too worried about the anthias, but more so the fairy wrasses. do you think the anthais will bother the fairy wrasses? and nice pic by the way! maybe i will just stick with my group of 5 bartletts. Now do you perfer bartletts or lyterials? any one easier or more...
  20. nbd13

    Anthias Compatability

    Kevin- in my new 275 gallons tank i would like to keep 5 bartletts anthias and maybe 3 Bimaculatus anthias. anyway i have 5 fairy wrasses right now in my 180 along with some other misc fish, 1 rhomboid, 1 lineatus, 1 labouti, 1 orange back, and 1 blue sided fairy wrasse. now my question is...