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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. D

    My poor button polys... help please

    Well, lighting hasn't really changed (130 watts of power compacts over 30g). The flow *might* have changed a bit. I'll up the flow and give it some time and see what happens. And yes, I do have a peppermint shrimp. Maybe I'll see if I can catch him nibbling on anything at night... but that's...
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    My poor button polys... help please

    Hello, I have had what I think are 'button polys' for well over a year now and they've been fine. To be honest, I'm not possitive that they're 'button polys', but that seems to be the closest thing I can find via pictures on the net. Here are some images that look fairly close to mine...
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    RO Filter

    Clayswim answered my question in another thread....
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    RO Filter

    Thanks all, I appreciate the info! Why is it that you're not supposed to drink DI water btw? And what exactly does de-ionizing the water do that's beneficial for the reef inhabitants?
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    Too many bubbles in the water?

    I was reading up on skimmers last night and ran across someone that was trying to reduce the amount of bubbles that the skimmer would discharge into the tank. He was worried about it affecting the animals. I didn't think that there was any reall risk of having a lot of bubbles in the tank. I...
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    RO Filter

    I need to get a small RO filter for making fresh water. I'm tired of getting buckets of it from the LFS. I have a small (35 gallon) reef tank, so I don't need tons of fresh water. All I'd really need is maybe 1-2 gallons a day (if that), and maybe some extra for drinking water. Can anyone...
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    Moving my reef to a new tank

    I have a 30 gallon reef tank and it just sprang a slow leak. So I'm switching it over to a new one tomorrow (same size - has to be) and I'm looking for a few suggestions. My current/old tank was originally a fowlr, and then later made into a reef. Switching tanks will let me make a few changes...
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    Green lettuce nudibranch turned yellow

    I have a lettuce nudibranch that's about a month old (that is, I bought him a month ago, I've no idea how old he really is). It seemed to be doing fine. I have a little hair alge and I'm hoping he's one of the lettuce nudi's that eat it. He's been the same standard green color that I've always...