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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Newbie here... please give some good advice!

    Im impressed Thank you very much for the welcome. I will post pictures and a detailed list when I get started... I love this so much and have for a while wanted to dive back in. I know for a fact I will ask tons of questions until I can add this to my portfolio of nerdness! Thanks, Mattbew
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    Newbie here... please give some good advice!

    Thanks for the reply AWESOME.. so yeah what do I want to do? I would like as you suggested a very small nano. I had looked at some with the built in filter system with cartridges. Small and pretty fish are what I am looking for, and polyp types are so pretty how can you go wrong? What types of...
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    Newbie here... please give some good advice!

    Hello everyone, Well firstly I would like to say that I am an Indiana native interested in a aquarium setup. I have been reading for a few days now several hours a day about everything that needs done, options on equipment--from self cleaning to completely home made, ph, salinity and everything...
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    Please help a newbie!!!

    Hello everyone, Well firstly I would like to say that I am an Indiana native interested in a aquarium setup. I have been reading for a few days now several hours a day about everything that needs done, options on equipment--from self cleaning to completely home made, ph, salinity and everything...