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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. moortim

    Saltyfish's Skimmer Build

    very cool looking plans, I have always wanted to build my own skimmer. I will keep an eye on yours. Tim
  2. moortim

    HOB Skimmer options

    Yeah I like the looks of it so far, I will have to talk it up to my friends.
  3. moortim

    HOB Skimmer options

    Hey skimmerwhisperer what is your opinion of the above mentioned skimmer? I had the bh-100f for a while, is this what you would recommend? Tim
  4. moortim

    HOB Skimmer options

    It has been a while since I have been around here and I need some advice. I am helping a friend setup a 55 gallon tank that has to have everything hob but I haven't looked at hob skimmers in a while. Are Remora's as hyped as they used to be or is there something new out that would work better...
  5. moortim

    Odyssea Light system... Yae or Nay???

    Is price an object? or do you just not want to spend very much? (I know it sounds like I am asking the same question twice, I hope you get my meaning;)) If you can afford it then just go all the way the first time, I went cheap on one set of lights and wound up replacing everything anyway a year...
  6. moortim

    Help!!! Big PH Swing!!!

    I'm no expert on the effects of ph but if you have sensitive corals they may react badly. I don't think fish will have as big of a problem with it. What do you have in your tank?
  7. moortim

    Drilling a 10 gallon

    I had a friend who used a 10 gal as a refugium, he had it drilled by a glass shop and was very careful with the plumbing. It worked just fine for him.
  8. moortim

    goin witha 10gallon instead

    Don't give up on the 46! I agree with Don, it will be easier to fix than setting up a 10. I have a 10 and I tried lots of different filter setups and most did not work. Including a variety of nano skimmers. More water changes will help the 46 recover and more flow will also help. Use this as a...
  9. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    Any of the options you mentioned will work just fine, you can use a skimmer and/or a canister filter but you don't need either. You can use a hob filter but you don't need that either. I personally like running a skimmer over other types of filtration. I have a friend who ran a nano tank just on...
  10. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    I have used two different coralife hoods and was very happy with them both, this is a good choice.
  11. moortim

    RO/DI questions

    I talked a lot with the Filter Guys when i got set up and they were great, I highly recommend dealing with them. I have a 55gal/29gal sump and a 75 gpd RO/DI and I have never had problems with having enough water. I just always forget to turn it off and cause small floods in our apartment.:) Tim
  12. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    If you are raising soft corals that would be just fine, I assume it is a pc light?
  13. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    The bulb it comes with is about as good as it gets. You will need to switch hoods to get better lighting.
  14. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    If you are planning a reef tank (ie a tank with corals) than take all sponge type filters out as they produce nitrate. As long as you have a good supply of live rock you don't need any other biological filtration. HOB stands for Hang On Back, like many power filters. If you have a tank with...
  15. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    Research the anemone idea to death before trying it. Keeping clowns is one thing, keeping an anemone healthy and happy is a different level entirely. As for light one of the reasons salt water inhabitants are so stunning is they are kept under lights that brings out their color. Get the best...
  16. moortim

    What Fish Should I Get??

    Never would have guessed that one...:rolleyes::)
  17. moortim

    How do I get rid of Aiptasia

    why buy a peppermint shrimp if you think there is a chance of him getting eaten? That is not what they are for. I use a shrimp because I like having him around as a general tank inhabitant. I would follow don's and reeferdudes advice unless you want to change your setup to shrimp friendly and...
  18. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    Before we all contradict each other and help you into confusion I have a bit more advice. You will get a lot of different opinions on how to set up a nano, so take consideration of everything you are told and plan your tank with those recommendations in mind. Remember they are recommendations...
  19. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    I used to have a 10 gal tank that I had a lot of fun with, I had it set up for about 1 month before I added a fish. Keep in mind that a 10 gallon tank can only hold 2-3 fish depending on what you have. I had two percula clowns and a green banded goby that got along great in there. My setup was...
  20. moortim

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    A HOB filter is fine, the nitrate problem comes when there is sponge filter media in the filter, once you remove that then you are fine. I use hob filters for carbon and they work great. Live sand is not a necessity, if you have live rock and a sand bed eventually the sand will be live anyway. A...