Poll: What do you use for nutrient export?

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Poll: What do you use for nutrient export?

  • Chaeto

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • Caulerpa (list type)

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Halameda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gracilaria

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xenia

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • 2 or more of the above (you can explain if you like)

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • Other (List and/or explain)

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • None (Don't use anything)

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Let's see what's most popular among the reefing community today. According to an article by Anthony Calfo found here http://www.reefland.com/articles/rho/best-plants-and-algae-for-refugia-part-II-vegetable-filters, he states that:

"Spaghetti algae" Chaetomorpha and "Ogo" Gracilaria are two of the very best macroalgae for nutrient export in "vegetable filter" style refugiums.

So let's have it. What do you use? :)

EDIT: I was going to make the title "Which macro do you use for nutrient export" but xenia wouldn't fit, thus the reason for the title name. Not so much concerned with skimming, water changes etc as Sid pointed out with his post. More on the grounds of macro's and xenia etc. or where a refugium is concerned. :)
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I voted for other. Never purposely used anything for nutrient export, but did promote cyno that grew on it's own to grow in my fuge to help in nutrient export while my tank cycled and balanced out. I just made the conditions in the fuge section of my sump more favourable for it to grow there. Once the tank balanced out and it didn't grow anymore, I removed the light and never used anything there again. :)
Voted for chaeto, but also rely on protein skimmer and water changes.

I wanted to put which macro do you use, but figured Xenia wouldn't fit so I put what do you use for nutrient export instead. It's more of a poll on macro's with the addition of Xenia or what's in the "fuge". I edited my first post seeing you brought up skimming and water changes as I am more concerned where the refugium comes into play rather than tank maintenance and skimming. Thanks for bringing them up. :)
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I use chaeto. I also spill alot of water. That has to account for some nutrient export:doh:
Ya know, I understand the poll being mainly meant for Macro Algae, and I understand why Xenia was added, as it's also a great nutrient exporter. Along those same lines, IF it can be contained AND controlled, one might consider adding Aiptasia to the poll. I've considered, several times, creating an Aiptasia filter, in my refugium. The only thing that's held me back, is worry about it migrating to the display tank. If Aiptasia could be contained, it would make an exceptional filtration media.
I have currently cheato and caulerpa Mexicana but I also have Xenia in the tank. I didn’t know Xenia was good for some export. What does Xenia do?
Primarily Caulerpa species & Chaeto but have a small cryptic zone that has sponges, tunicates and small tube worms. My new system will have Chaeto, a large Xenia bed and a larger cryptic zone for sponges in that order.

I have lots of chaeto and several different caulerpas in the sump (call it a fuge if you want, but it is a seperate tank underneath, so regardless of being a storage device for natural environment and biological filtration, the place that holds my return pump is a sump to me!:eek:hwell:), and also have lots of xenia (several types) in the main display. I don't have the xenia specifically because of the help they provide though, I am one of the weird people that actually likes the stuff! I trade it or give it away if it grows too quick. I agree with Michael on the aiptasia, and actually have quite a few of them in my sump as well.
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Primarily Caulerpa species & Chaeto but have a small cryptic zone that has sponges, tunicates and small tube worms. My new system will have Chaeto, a large Xenia bed and a larger cryptic zone for sponges in that order.


If that counts, I have an abundance of sponges and a few cool tunicates also.
I don't think this is going the way Krish had hoped!:rolleyes:
For every dozen good ideas you have, there's bound to be one that doesn't go so well, better luck next time!:lol:
Faciosity said:
I don't think this is going the way Krish had hoped!:rolleyes:
For every dozen good ideas you have, there's bound to be one that doesn't go so well, better luck next time!:lol:

Haha! It is still going great! Many "other" options being discussed which = success!! :D. Who raised this from the dead anyways?? :lol:
I am currently running Caulerpa, Chaeto, Xenia, and currently trying to get my Algea turf scrubber up and running. No turf yet, but lots and lots of hair algea on the screens. Fingers crossed on that one. I guess that it has a chance of blowing up in my face, but thought I would try it.