120 Gallon Tank Update

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Oct 16, 2011
Update on my 120 gallon mixed reef tank. It has been running for 8 months and I have not had any issues to this point other than my yellow tang coming down with ich after adding him to my tank. He made it through with nothing done on my part.

Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrates 0 ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
pH 8.0
Mg 1300
KH 9.0 dkh
Ca 425

No Supplementation to this point. Weekly 6 gallon water changes with Instant Ocean Reef Crystals.

Acrylic Tank 60"x18"x24"
Temperature 78 degrees
Wet/Dry Filter System
1400 Gal/Hr Water Turnover
SWC Protien Skimmer
JBJ Auto Top Off
Aquatic Life 4 Bulb T5 Light Fixture

1 Yellow Tang
1 Flame Anglefish
1 Bi Color Chromis
1 Lawn Mower Blenny
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Ocellaris Clown Fish
3 Yellow Tail Damsels
6 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
Standard Cleanup Crew
Several differant types of corals and 1 anemone

All are happy and no fighting to this point.


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Nice looking setup. Very clean and impressive.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Nice looking tank,
How did you come up with such a tight rock structure. I cant see any nooks and crannies. do your little fishes have places to hide?
The rock is Bulk Reef Supply's Eco Rock. I have about 110 Lbs of rock with numerous caves and tunnels. My fish have many options.
Interesting rock scape, I guess I am not a fan of " The Pile of Rocks" look. Not to say your tank isnt very nice and neat.
Thats what I love about this hobby. Many, many, many, right ways to run a reef tank.
Maybe you could excite me with what you have under the tank???
Looks good! Nice coralline growth which usually means good water quality. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice setup and great start to a beautiful Reeftank. You should now safely be able to add additional LPS and most Softy Corals. You will probably need suplemental lighting if planning to keep most SPS or Clams in the system. One other FYI, since your Yellow Tang had an Ich outbreak it means there most likely is parasites in dormancy within the system. Census seems to be that if you do not add any additional fish to your system for 10-12 months (after last fish was introduced) that most known parasite species will inbreed themselves to extinction without new genetic material. I say this with experience (not good) as recently upgraded to my 125g and added/mixed new QT'd fish with established fish from old system that my Tangs every now and then (feeding or lack there of by our teenager while away) would have small Ich outbreaks that quickly abated once I returned to feed on schedule. So, parasite was there just not a real issue for the established fish. Well.... in mixing the new fish without any imunity to this particular parasite... it did not fare well and lost several fish. DT went through a 8-9 week fallow period while remaining fish were divided into three QT for duration what a major PITA! So heads up on this potential matter.

Cheers, Todd
Here is a picture of my Wet/Dry filtration setup. I also have a Bulk Reef Supply Dual GFO & Carbon Reactor that is not hooked up yet. I also have a five gallon water supply that i use for water top off. My logic for the rock pile look is that i wanted alot of activity in my tank from the fish. I reasearched alot of fish and settled on some less glamorous fish, but i have achived the look i was after with fish constantly swimming above the rocks utilizing the full water column. They have plenty of room to swim in my tank which was important to me and the fish all seem happy.


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Here is a picture of my Wet/Dry filtration setup. I also have a Bulk Reef Supply Dual GFO & Carbon Reactor that is not hooked up yet. I also have a five gallon water supply that i use for water top off. My logic for the rock pile look is that i wanted alot of activity in my tank from the fish. I reasearched alot of fish and settled on some less glamorous fish, but i have achived the look i was after with fish constantly swimming above the rocks utilizing the full water column. They have plenty of room to swim in my tank which was important to me and the fish all seem happy.

I knew there was a method to your rock madness. LOL The main thing is you achieved what you started out to do!! Beauty is in the eye of the be-holder.
Thanks for the down under-shot. Do you have any problems with nitrates?? Just wondering with the use of the bio-balls. Most reefers get rid of them because of the nitrate problems.
Looks great and will be awesome as it fills in.
Knowing absolutely nothing and being a total beginner, I have already experienced the pitfalls of 'fancy' aquascaping. Our goal was to create lots of shelves, caves and water flow/access behind the structure. What we learned is that if you give fish a place to hide..... some of them will! I really like our aquascaping as such but we have a sandsifter who is rarely seen and a mystery wraith that we NEVER see except when it darts its head out to grab a bit of food. The fish are happy but who did I build the aquarium for after all! LOL!