1st set of tests for my reef - input welcomed

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Jul 8, 2008
spokane, wa
I setup my tank about 4 weeks back.

I just took my 1st set of tests, and they dont seem too bad compared to what the directions say, but id rather see what the experienced reefers say.

KH(carb hardness)-214.8
No3(nitrate) - 20
Po4(phosphate) - .5

the test kit im using is the API reef master test kit.

Ok, now about the tank
It is a 135g tank, with about 200sh lb of rock, half of it was live when i started, half was dead.

There is about 15 snails, and maybe 3 hermit crabs, some xenia and another sort of soft coral with around 15-17 polyps on it.

With that said, what other parameters should be tested, and what should i do to help stabilize the system better?

I'd suggest finding a different test kit. The kit you're using isn't very accurate, sorry to say. Salifert and Elos are more expensive but much more reliable. The price isn't all that bad.

If you're planning a reef tank, you'll want to boost your Ca a bit. This is typical of Instant Ocean salt.

Your Nitrates are pretty high but in a new tank, that's to be expected. Are you running a refugium? Hopefully NO bioballs or other filter medias? They quickly become nitrate factories.

Your Alk reading is in a type I'm unfamiliar with. How would that compare to dKH?

Phosphate tests are usually pretty unreliable because phosphates get locked up in your sand and live rock so don't show up as much in the water column.

Giving us as much information about your tank set up and your future plans for the tank will help us be more able to give you suggestions.
I setup my tank about 4 weeks back.

I just took my 1st set of tests, and they dont seem too bad compared to what the directions say, but id rather see what the experienced reefers say.

KH(carb hardness)-214.8
No3(nitrate) - 20
Po4(phosphate) - .5

the test kit im using is the API reef master test kit.


I'm assuming you're also testing for ammonia and nitrites and they're both at zero meaning your cycle is complete? If not... those are two more you should be testing for. Along with pH.

Nitrates are high, but for just finishing a cycle it's to be expected. Water changes will bring that down. Going with a reef tank, you really want those as close to zero as you possibly can get them.

Calcium... probably should be closer to 400. Alkalinity is OK. Phosphates are amazingly high. Even if you were dumping in huge amounts of food, that would still be high. I'm guessing either you have a bad test kit, or you may be using well water? What type of water are you using to mix up your salt?

Only other tests you may be concerned with is magnesium, but you can wait a while on that one. Think you have the basics covered.
4 week old tank? I wouldn't sweat the details of those tests. I mean you dont have anything thats going to drain more Ca than your salt mix is going to put in. You can dose that stuff later when you need it :)


Since you already have critters, I would do a w/c. Your cycle isn't complete yet but you're doing better than I did. I didn't even know what a cycle was until I killed my first fish :(