2 more False Percula??

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Aquatic Guru

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2005
Elgin, IL
I already have 2 false percula in my 40 for about 8 months now. Would it be ok to add 2 more? Maybe even smaller one. The clowns I got now is about 1.5 to 2 inches now.
Not sure Mo...Clowns can be funny sometimes when adding more of them to the tank. Ilham will be the best to answer that for you:)
In a much larger tank possibley yes but in a smaller tank with an already established pair, I wouldn't suggest it.

Well......I bought it and add them. Was not a good idea. I guess.....my percula were already established and married already. Haha. They started chasing the new one constantly around the tank and I had to remove them and took back to the LFS for credit. I did purchased a hippo tang. It's about 3 inches long and doing fine. I got it for $45. Was that a normal price?
I hate to be blunt like this but you really need to research your choices before you get them. A Regal tang is the last thing you want to put in a tank this size. Please consider returning the tang for something more appropriate for the tank size you have and the inhabitants already in residence.

steve-s said:
I hate to be blunt like this but you really need to research your choices before you get them. A Regal tang is the last thing you want to put in a tank this size. Please consider returning the tang for something more appropriate for the tank size you have and the inhabitants already in residence.


I agree with this, the regal tangs will attain a total length around 12", and they grow extremely quickly. To not only mention this, in the wild they like to swim across the expansive reefs.

I just thought I would throw out my experience here. I bought my 55 used with a 1 year old 9" sailfin tang and about 100lbs of rock in it. The poor fish had lateral line sickness bad and could barely swim around the tank. The guy I bought the tank from thought it was a cute fish so he took it home without doing any research. Unfortunately before I could get the tang to someone with more room he died.
I think it's best to leave tang raising to those with a little bigger piece of the ocean in their house.

WAFalconer said:
What other fish are in the 40g, Mo ?

I got 2 false percula, a sixline wrasse, and a goldspot goby. No more fish. That's it. I don't like too many fish in my tank.
Thanks for the info guys. I feel bad for not doing any research on it. Eventually I'll have to part with the Hippo Tang. Anyone near Elgin, IL is willing to buy it from me, let me know.
i have a sailfin tang in a 50 gal and hes doing fine i know this isnt the ritz from him but hes doing great and i couldnt part with him for all the coral in the world
When mine died he was over 9" and could barely turn around at the end of the tank, just beware that what we like is not always what is best for them.
As long as he is doing ok then there isn't a problem but what happens when he gets to be huge?
