20gallon Coldwater tank turns one year old today.

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Catalina goby
May 12, 2012
monroe wa
My 20 gallon has turned one year old today:) and I'm really happy I took a chance and started a Coldwater tank. It struggled at the end of last summer when the macros died I thought I lost several nems but several made it and are doing well. Including several painted anemones. But here it is with some new macros. I'll take some more tonight also:) but first a few pics showing the progression.


Current full tank shot today
Its been a year already. wow. You have come a long way with the cold water experience in that year.
The temps are rising in the basement. And the painted anemones are starting to wilt so what does any broke reefer do. He pulls out the Redneck 2000 chiller/sump With an upgraded protein skimmer for funsies.I put in a spare overflow and ran it down to a spare 10 gallon put in a baffle And installed some high tech.... frozen blocks lol. it dropped the temp to a nice 60 degrees so far and no sweating do to the cooler no humid air in the basement.Wait till I upgrade to the frozen gallon jug:cool:
And a side shot of some sea grass that is doing well but the lower temps oughta help out.
Oh and here is a video of the changes. Water temp is sitting at 60 all day with the new "chiller"
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So this tank underwent a drastic change this week and is something different than I have done in the past. It's an eel grass tank complete with an old barnacle encrusted whiskey bottle! I went down south for some collecting with the Coldwater marine guys:) and got some fun items:) the new tank inhabitants include a vermillion rockfish, a Black eyed gobie, and a rainbow scorpionfish. I'll add some pics and post in a few.
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Sweet! Hey man. Everything is looking good. I was gonna say u need some fish like a gunnel or somethin.
Still havent lost my coldwater bite!!!!
This tank is doing great. I was looking at the glass this morning and noticed an explosion of pods!! No wonder the goby and rainbow scorp ignore the food I put in for the rockfish. I also moved a stubby rose from the lobster tank and along with some moonglows. Pictures will be posted soon. Devin you just need to get it started. If you chill it they will come! Lol
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