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360 gallon mixed reef system

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Cross-posting this from the Equipment forum since there's a bunch of livestock involved:

I'd prefer to sell the entire setup at one time given the time I have available to work with before any future move, but due to size it's more likely that I'll end up selling it in packages (fish / corals / anemones, then rock / sand, then the tank itself and support equipment). Preference will of course be given to anyone who wants the whole thing, along with a bunch of bonus misc reef support equipment that would otherwise not be sold. I'm looking for $3000 for the entire system plus whatever other miscellaneous items I've got to throw in. At a rough estimate for a split sale I'm looking for $500 for fish / inverts / any remaining corals, $4 per lb for the live rock (sand included if someone buys all the rock), and $1600 for the tank, stand, lights, pumps, skimmer / reactors, and sump / refugium. I figured I would post it here briefly to gauge interest before throwing it open to the hordes on a larger reef hobby site or (grumble) Craigslist. In general a list of the main items off the top of my head is:

Adult coloration emperor angelfish (about 8")
Purple tang (6")
Yellow tang (6")
Powder brown tang (around 5")
Two blue hippo tangs (6"-8")
Two sailfin tangs (medium around 6" and large about 10")
Mated pair of occellaris clowns (paired for about 4 years, spawning fairly regularly)
Lone wolf occellaris misbarred clown around 2 years old, lives nearby the mated pair peacefully so it's probably still a juvenile.
Adult royal gramma
Adult coral beauty angelfish
Adult flame angelfish
Mandarin dragonet

CORALS / INVERTS - Not much left, I've slowly been giving my SPS / LPS colonies to friends to fill out their tanks.
Green Nepthea coral (around 8" tall) - lone wolf clownfish lives in this
Two red bubble tip anemones (around 10" diameter and a 6" diameter clone / split from the other). The mated clown pair live here.
Random ricordea all over the rocks (grey base, pink eye, green polyps and the some with reverse coloring with green eye and pink polyps).
A couple small / split finger leather corals
A devil's hand leather coral
Bubble coral (around 6" diameter globe when extended)
A couple small to mid-size stony corals (encrusting type surrounding random rocks) that I can't recall the names of.
There's a shortspine urchin in here somewhere, generally stays in the rocks munching happily.
A ton of random snails, untold thousands of brittle stars, etc that populate a tank over the course of 6 years.

A metric crapton of live rock. I've added to the pile randomly over the years, but at a guess I have 400+ lbs of nice reef rock (tonga, fiji, etc) ranging from fist sized to about 12" diameter with lots of caves, arches, and whatnot. None of it has been drilled or epoxied together. Also around 100 lbs of "base" rock (dense live rock). Tons of coraline algae.
Around 300-400 lbs of nice aragonite sand, about 90% of it is fine grain from the Marco Rocks vendor (Bahama aragonite).

360 gallon Tenecor acrylic tank (8' wide x 3' front-to-back x 2' tall). Drilled for a 3-pipe drain system to sump. Has the usual fine scratches of a 6-8 year old tank and one deeper scratch on the right side panel near the top (hood scraped it). Can be polished out but I haven't been worried about it.
Stainless steel stand, bare metal (no wood skin / paint).
EuroReef skimmer (not sure what model, ~30" tall and 10" diameter w/ 2 pumps. Needle wheel impellers replaced in the last 6 months)
Hamilton dual 400w magnetic ballast w/ halide lights, set up with two 20k mogul socket bulbs and luminarc style reflectors.
Can't remember brand / mfg, but another dual 250w magnetic metal halide ballast with two 12k or 14k mogul socket bulbs & luminarc style reflectors.
2 Koralia Magnum 8 powerheads (and another 1-2 of the same that are older spares)
4 Koralia 1200 powerheads
Dolphin 6000gph return pump that needs some minor repair. The pump works fine and is still in use but a piece of pipe fell on it and cracked the electrical box on top.
Iwaki pressure pump for water change / water mixing (along with two 50g food grade plastic barrels for fresh and salt water mix).
Blueline pump for calcium reactor.
DIY calcium reactor with co2 tank / regulator and Bulk Reef Supply reactor mix
DIY sulfur reactor
Water General 100ish gpd RO/DI filter.
Random small pumps / powerheads for sump circulation and feeding reactors.
150 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank sump.
50ish gallon Rubbermaid stock tank for refugium.
A host of other odds and ends (testing kits, refractometers, automatic feeders, heaters, etc).

A few photos:







It'll be nearly impossible to catch a specific fish in a tank this size with this much live rock so I'm not going to try and sell individual items or livestock yet unless a few weeks go by and there isn't a buyer for the entire setup. If you're interested in all of the angelfish and tangs however that would be easier to sort out from the rest, so if or when I decide to start parting out the system I'll post it here. As listed above the price for all livestock (fish, coral, inverts) would be $500; if I needed to separate out those individual fish (Emperor angel, coral beauty, flame angel, blue tangs, powder brown tang, sailfin tangs, purple tang, yellow tang) I would end up selling them for around $400. Preference and price discounts are being given for buyers of entire categories (fish / corals, rock, equipment) to simplify breaking this thing down so it's going to be more expensive for buyers if parted out because it's going to take me a LOT more time that way.
If/when you are willing to sell the nepthea standalone I'd love to hear the price.
There has been a lot of interest in livestock (about 5-6 people who want to take the entire livestock category of fish / corals and perhaps 4 others that want individual critters) but relatively few inquiries for the rock and equipment. I have been too busy at work this last week to post the setup on any other sites that I used to frequent so it is currently just listed here on Reef Frontiers. In the next week or so I'll list it in the classifieds section of another site with the goal of finding a buyer for either the entire setup or separate buyers for each of the three categories I'm willing to separate this down to (livestock, rock, equipment); I have been hesitant to throw it on craigslist because I would like to preserve my remaining sanity. I have been discussing logistics with someone in the Portland area who was considering purchasing the entire setup but the distance causes enough complications that nothing will likely come of it.
Thanks for the update. If it does come down to parting it out please shoot me a p.m. I have cash in hand and I'm not a craigslist flake
Oh, no worries there! Just trying to find buyers for the rock and equipment portions (in the absence of selling the whole enchilada). After messages from a couple people and poking around the other classifieds it looks like my price on the rock portion was a bit inflated. Probably explains the lack of potential buyers for that category :peep:. It appears $2 per lb on rock is about the norm so that's what I'll shoot for, hard to believe it has gone down that much in the couple years since I set this thing up! Doesn't appear that I can edit the original post anymore so maybe people will read down this far so I don't have to close and repost it...
we had a previous conversation via pm where I offered to buy all livestcok and all rock! I'm just trying to understand here.....I guess where I stand. did you understand my offer? my impression was you were not interest parting it out after all???

anyway, again, I made an offer to buy all livestock and all rock. I need some warning to prepare to accept the livestock. where do I stand? thanks!
Perhaps I misread a later pm from you (I'm checking these messages and responding via cell phone or tablet depending on where I'm at), but your initial two messages stated clearly that you wanted to buy the livestock and 200 lbs of rock (out of the roughly 500lbs in the tank) at $1.50 per lb. I told you previously that at least 4 other people asked about buying the livestock well before your first message was sent. I've said it twice in this thread and also to you via direct message that I will part out only when buyers are arranged for each of the three sections that I'm willing to separate the setup into, but that I was first taking time to try and find a buyer for the entire setup. Is that not stated clearly enough? Others who have posted here and direct messaged me seem to have understood.
Sorry, yes I first asked about all livestcok ( not just some) and 200lbs of rock but sent a seperate PM saying I would take all rock and livestock if that makes it easier on you. it must have got missed. honestly I pretty much blew this off cuz I thought you would end up keeping and moving the system ( which I hope still works out for you!) but yeah, so if you are interested and serious in my offer shoot me a pm. I think what I would like to do is arrive at price and agreement and put a down payment to secure it untill you are ready to sell ( with agreement that you are selling). I will also need a week or two to prepare.

No down payments are needed or accepted until water starts pumping out and I start chasing fish with a net so that the buyer or buyers can take possession of whatever it is they bought. Once I have the contacts made to sell the entire setup, or major components thereof, I'll coordinate the breakdown and transfer of everything in as short a time as reasonable / possible. I'm not rushed for time here since we won't be selling our house for at least a year and that was the only reason for this sale, nor am I solely motivated by whatever money this sale might bring in. It'll be done in a way that causes as little hassle and stress to the fish (not to mention my wife and I!) as possible. Allenho1 and loohunter were the first two that messaged about buying all the livestock, so if no total system buyer is found they will get first crack at the fish / corals if they're still interested once the other two component groups are taken care of.
Looking for 1600 on the tank and stainless steel stand. I was initially thinking of including the pumps, sumps, skimmer, etc at that price but realized I was quite a bit on the low side there when I started adding it all up.