55 gallon aquascaping... cutting/breaking liverock

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2012
Hello everyone-
So I have a 55 gallon tank with 10 gallon sump... been set up for over a year and completely cycled and lots of coraline starting to grow in the last 2 months. I have caulerpa and chaeto in the sump. I have 2 clowns 1 six line wrasse and 1 pigmy angel. And last but not least I have about 90 lbs of liverock. So here's the thing I am absolutely loving the coraline and the way my tank is transforming. But when i was first starting I bought all big nice show pieces for the rock and not many base pieces. There are a few rocks I would like to break in half to make base rocks. I was wondering if I do that will it hinder the coraline growth or cause a mini cycle? If so i won't do it. But the 55 is super hard to aquascape with all the large pieces because it is just not wide enough front to back. That being said let me know what you all think. Thanks in advance guys.
Now I would also love to see other 55 gallon tanks aquascaping ideas. If u have one u understand my challenge with the minimal depth. So post some pics and lets see em. I will post mine in two weeks when I get home. In Texas for two more weeks then back to my tank :)
You will not hinder the coraline growth by breaking the rock. Just dont keep it out of the water any longer than it takes to break up the piece. Try to keep the out of water time under 5 min.
Also doing it on WC day might be a plus as you would have the old water to use as a rinse for the cut rock before it went back into the tank.
There will be very very little die off with the rock being out of the water for less than 5 min. IMO I wouldnt worry to much about a mini cycle. It would be very small if any at all. The less amount of time the rock is out of the water the better.
If it were me I would mix up some fresh saltwater, enough to fill a small rubbermaid tub ( 20-30gal) pull the rock from the DT place it in the tub and take the hammer and chisel to the rock while it is submerged in the fresh saltwater tub. Then right back to the DT. This method will greatly reduce the risk any die off and or any re-cycle.
It is very difficult to control a break on the rock. If you have a drill. Chuck up a bit (around 1/4'') drill a series of holes were you want the break to be. Approx 1 hole every 1/2'' to 3/4'' and run the bit as deep as you can. After you have drilled the holes use a large screw driver and hammer to lightly tap between the holes yo have drilled. This will increase the chances of getting the rock to split where you want. It will break in that spot maybe 6 out of 10 times.
Good luck, post some picks.