55g setup

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2009
Benton City, Washington, United States
I just finished the basic plumbing of everything started the up the water with no leaks is a big plus since i never did a project like this. I was wondering of my return lines should i leave them there and just put the lockline on them or should i put them in the back and just come off the T and go straight down with them around the rock? Attached is a movie I did of the system, i'm all for any ideas on how to make it better your not going to hurt my feeling at all.


how noisy is your overflow?? it should be making a pretty good toilet bowl noise since you don't have a durso or silencer plumbed in :)

Ohh, and id only put lockline in if you want to target your flow more.. but I think wide flow is good :)

did you drill siphon breaks too into your return line?? on that note, have you tested what happens when there is power failure? Does your sump overflow?

OK - enough questions from me for now :D hahahaha

Looks great tho!! Great job!
how noisy is your overflow?? it should be making a pretty good toilet bowl noise since you don't have a durso or silencer plumbed in :)

Ohh, and id only put lockline in if you want to target your flow more.. but I think wide flow is good :)

did you drill siphon breaks too into your return line?? on that note, have you tested what happens when there is power failure? Does your sump overflow?

OK - enough questions from me for now :D hahahaha

Looks great tho!! Great job!

They aren't to bad a lot quieter than i thought. I was thinking of just moving the elbow to the side a little more figured that would make it a little quieter.

Since i'm trying to keep power heads out of the tank i figured i would need to use lock line to get a good bit of flow moving around the tank. No i haven't drilled a siphon break yet the right side outlet is high enough to break it before my sump over flows :). Granted it drains another 2 inches out of the tank but those are going to be the set levels for the returns.The sump doesn't overflow when i pull the power with out the holes drilled.

On the returns i was thinking of coming off of the T at the top of the tank and then going straight down and put the lock line against the back wall instead of where they are now.
If it were me I would want a lot more flow in the tank than just the return lines. What is your return pump rated for?
If you are set on no powerheads I would suggest a closed loop system.
What do you plan to keep in the tank? If you plan on corals you will need more flow.
Its rated for 950 about 750 with all the plumbing.

I wasn't planning on a closed loop system kinda limited on space.

Right now i just have 2 paired fp clowns. I'm wanting to add a bta and maybe some softies but i'm in no hurry and worse case i can put in a Koralia 750 out of my other tank
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Is there anyway or a trick to quiet my drains to my sump. I'm not getting any gargling noise in the overflow boxes most of the noise is from the 90s that go into the sump? I plan on putting a cover around it but i just need a quick fix so i can sleep at night.